Anti-aging Fruits: Here Are 6 You Can’t Miss

In addition to being effective against water retention, avocado is rich in protein and vitamin E, which prevents the formation and appearance of wrinkles.
Anti-aging fruits: here are 6 you can't miss

Eating fruit every day provides vitamins and minerals, but there are some anti-aging fruits that stand out among others for their powerful antioxidant properties.

Below we explain which are the six best anti-aging fruits so that you can include them in your diet every day and keep yourself so young inside and out, as they will bring you well-being, vitality and a radiant appearance.

Cranberry among the anti-aging fruits

Red fruits in general are an essential food thanks to their multiple health benefits, but we are talking more specifically about blueberry because of its rejuvenating properties for both beauty and health in general.

Cranberry provides carotenoids and anthocyanins, compounds highly esteemed for their ability to fight free radicals, which cause skin and organism to age. It is rich in vitamins A, C and, to a lesser extent, in vitamin B. As for minerals, it contains calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium.

Among its properties stand out :

  • Helps maintain good brain function and enhance memory
  • It naturally prevents and treats urine infections
  • Improves vision problems, such as difficulty seeing in the dark
  • When eaten ripe, it has a laxative effect
  • It has purifying properties
  • It takes care of the skin and keeps it young and toned as it protects the collagen and strengthens the tissues. It is an ingredient found in many cosmetic creams.
cranberry - anti-aging fruits


Papaya is a gift of nature and, although in some countries it is still a very exotic fruit, it is increasingly found at the greengrocer.

We tell you about its medicinal properties:

  • It has an alkalizing effect on the body, ideal for fighting acidity that causes diseases and ages our body
  • Fights constipation
  • Promotes tanning
  • Improve or prevent skin blemishes and eczema
  • It is highly anti-inflammatory and analgesic, which is a key factor in being healthy, bearing in mind that most chronic diseases involve inflammation and / or pain.
  • Its seeds help eliminate intestinal parasites , which are much more common than people think
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • It is an essential food for all types of gastric disorders, such as ulcers, colitis, gastroenteritis, irritable colon and so on. The digestive system must be healthy to ensure a good quality of life and thus avoid premature aging

Grapes, easy to find among the anti-aging fruits

We have heard a lot about the anti-aging properties of wine, but in reality these benefits derive from grapes, therefore without the need to consume alcohol. The compound in question is resveratrol, a health beneficial molecule found in grapes.

It allows to fight cellular aging, the external signs of aging and diseases in general. Furthermore, resveratrol also prevents metabolic, inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases.

To take advantage of its benefits, we recommend that you drink fresh, freshly made grape juice, including peel and seeds.

grapes - anti-aging fruits


Avocado is a highly nutritious and complete fruit, even the seed of which can be ingested , which also allows you to prepare facial and hair masks. Avocado is rich in healthy proteins and fats that nourish the skin and the body in general.

Its high vitamin E content helps prevent the appearance of wrinkles. Furthermore, avocado counteracts water retention and helps prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Mangosteen, one of the most exotic anti-aging fruits

We hear more and more of this surprising exotic fruit with countless benefits:

  • It possesses anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties
  • Gives energy
  • Helps to lose weight
  • It prevents cardiovascular diseases
  • Its catechin content has a very high antioxidant power
  • When applied topically, it helps to treat eczema, dermatitis, acne, psoriasis, etc.
  • It takes care of the kidneys
  • Improve digestion
  • Contains tryptophan, which brings spiritual well-being and improves situations of depression
  • Strengthens the immune system

There are a lot of reasons to eat this fruit. In countries where it is not easily found, it can be bought in the form of juice in health food stores and natural stores.



Rich in polyphenols, pomegranate stands out for its great antioxidant power and for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

In fact, pomegranate is rich in potassium and provides considerable quantities of magnesium, phosphorus and iron. Contains vitamin C, B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin) and niacin. Its antioxidant compounds reduce the body’s oxidative stress, both by preventing diseases (cardiovascular, tumors, anemia, uric acid, etc.) and by maintaining the health of skin cells.

Images courtesy of: docqman, Tweety Nguyen Ho and DailyM

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