Time Knows That Less Is More, In Friendship And In Love

As time goes by, we realize that less is more, and that the important thing is not to have an endless collection of friends, but that those we have really are.
Time knows that less is more, in friendship and in love

Contrary to what many may think, time alone is not enough for us to reach the wisdom and maturity with which, in the end, we can live the life we ​​want.

Becoming mature means, first of all, being aware of what we have done and what has happened to us, in order to draw a lesson from every experience.

It is a process that must be carried out with the humility of those who take responsibility for every mistake made, but without repenting or mortifying themselves constantly.

Because, in reality, everything that happens to us is part of our experience and, as such, allows us to take stock of our life.

Furthermore, there are many people who, little by little, become aware of a particular fact. And that is, what makes us truly happy is not having material possessions, accumulating things or being successful and becoming famous.

Happiness is as simple a thing as loving and being loved . It is also true, however, that this happiness has a real and profound meaning only in relation to a very small group of people.

Although at first glance it might seem like a selfish thought, in reality it is a principle of emotional health, and in this sense we must understand it. In this way, we will avoid disappointments and false expectations, while we will gain that special personal balance that we all aspire to.

With this article, we propose that you reflect on this.

Time knows and so we learn many things and make many discoveries

During adolescence or early youth, we experience the encounter and discovery of things and people with the impetus of those who want to try everything without any filter and no limit.

  • We want to experience, laugh, love, discover, feel… To distance ourselves or set limits at this age often means not being accepted and losing our chance to integrate into the group.
  • Love comes with the intensity of a summer blizzard. We let ourselves be carried away by emotions and by the ardent need to love and feel loved. Even with friendships the same thing happens.

However, with the passage of time, our gaze towards the world changes, becomes calmer and more intimate, allowing us to see things and people wisely and from a new perspective.

“Collecting” new people does not lead to happiness

Loneliness can find solitude in many ways, but certainly not by making friends. Accumulating friendships on a superficial level involves, first of all, bringing into our life people who are not necessarily always sincere with us or in tune with our nature.

  • Loneliness is that personal emptiness that we should try to fill with maturity, through the deepening of full and genuine relationships with others.
  • As time passes, we become more selective with our friendships, leaving behind those who don’t suit us. Because time is wise and able to tell us who is staying by our side and who is not.
  • Only then do we realize that authenticity and sincere affection are the only precious asset that can truly enrich our soul and heart.
  • Values ​​such as respect, reciprocity and complicity between two people who know each other’s needs are not easy to find.
  • Once you have found true friends or a partner that is truly “made especially for us”, it will be better not to let them escape, because these are the relationships that will give light and warmth to our life.

Time knows: less is more (even in personal relationships)

Extroverted people, who always need new stimuli, appreciate constant interaction with others and love to connect with everyone around them.

Laugh and chat with this and that …

  • The more personal relationships and new acquaintances they manage to weave, the greater the happiness they feel. The large amount of friends these people can count on represent more opportunities to go out, have fun, and make new projects.
  • However, even those who have a more open and sociable personality, as time goes by, realize that it is always better to have a small number of people by your side with whom to have a deeper and more satisfying daily relationship.
  • It is not about loosening bonds with others or avoiding certain people, colleagues or family members. It is just a matter of giving more importance and priority to the most intimate ties, slightly and respectfully distancing ourselves from those we consider simply an acquaintance.
time knows

In addition, over time, we also learn not to give too much importance to what others think of us . Aware of the fact that “less is more”, and that little gives us great happiness, we no longer need anything else.

Love and friendships: better few, but good

time knows

If we have only a few friends, but they are sincere, genuine and noble, we already count on a precious treasure : we don’t need to have more. Similarly, if there is harmony between us and our partner and the bond with him / her makes us grow, allows us to be ourselves and makes us feel good at all times, then we can really say that we have it all.

  • Resizing our life to a more intimate environment, such as that of the couple, of close friends and of our family, is an act that no one can criticize. Because whoever is aware of what he has, appreciates it and takes care of it, you don’t need anything else.
  • Despite everything, not everyone is capable of realizing it. Sometimes the best things are what we have at our side, close at hand.

If we are able to cultivate humility in our hearts and in our gaze, it will help us discover where true happiness lies.

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