16 Foods You Should Avoid At All Costs

To avoid consuming harmful foods it will always be advisable to organize the menu in advance and always base it on healthy products, as well as always have healthy snacks in case we feel hungry
16 foods you should avoid at all costs

Good nutrition is one that facilitates people’s intellectual and mental development. It allows us to reason, think, understand and create. It also allows for physical development and body growth. Here are some foods that you must avoid at all costs.

Healthy nutrition

This consists of consuming a variety of ingredients that provide the nutrients needed to stay healthy with energy and to feel good.

These foods contain carbohydrates, proteins, water, fats, minerals and vitamins.

A good diet, accompanied by exercise and adequate weight, is the perfect combination to keep the body healthy and strong.

Tips for good nutrition

  • Respect your meals (breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner)
  • Eat different types of foods
  • Maintain your weight
  • Find out the amount of fat in your body to maintain your ideal weight
  • Avoid excessive consumption of saturated fat
  • Eat foods that contain enough plant fiber
  • Avoid excessive consumption of sugar and salt
  • Avoid alcohol consumption
  • Try not to exceed 20% of your protein intake
  • Consider your daily intake of vitamins and minerals
  • Exercise according to your age and weight
  • Chew your food slowly

Foods you should avoid in order not to get sick

The advice given is, in general, preferably to consume natural and organic foods, to avoid becoming intoxicated.

Also, foods that are harmful to health should be avoided.

Through food we provide nutrients and energy to the body, which prevents the development of diseases.

The problem is that there are tempting meals, since they are eaten quickly and are comfortable on the way to work.

We don’t waste time preparing them, we find them at affordable prices and they are usually sweet and delicious. The problem is that they hurt us.

1. Chicken nuggets

Chicken Nuggets

They are attractive and satisfy us quickly. However, try to avoid them, as they are high in preservatives, salt and fat.

2. French fries

They contain high amounts of calories. If you eat them often, over time, you can suffer from diabetes and overweight.

3. Fizzy drinks


These drinks contain a sugar that is harmful to health: high fructose corn syrup.

They are harmful to the liver and can promote the development of bacterial diseases and even cancer.

4. Hot dog

This food contains artificial components in large quantities, such as preservatives and flavorings. The fillings are made with low quality meats and have a lot of salt.

5. Hamburger


This is junk food, which greatly increases the chance of suffering from diabetes.

6. Sweetened cereals

In general, sugary grains contain little dietary fiber; on the contrary, they favor the onset of diabetes.

7. Cereal bars

Cereal bars

They contain high fructose corn syrup. They are usually made with harmful sugar. Plus, they also have a lot of fat and sodium which makes them less healthy.

8. Processed iced tea blends

They’re easy to make, cheap, and refreshing, but they’re not healthy. They have more sugar than natural sodas, lots of artificial flavors, corn syrup, and other harmful sugars.

9. Canned tomatoes

Canned tomatoes

Consuming this product poses a risk of intoxication.

They contain BPA, a toxic chemical related to reproductive problems, neurological damage and increased risk of suffering from various types of cancer.

10. Sausages or processed meats

Sausages contain substances that are harmful to health, both in the medium and long term.

The problem is that they are obtained from animals that have been treated with growth hormones, antibiotics, and other harmful drugs.

11. Raw shoots and other roots

Raw sprouts

It is customary to use alfalfa and other roots in dishes to add flavor. However, by consuming them raw we can acquire harmful bacteria.

To avoid an infection, it is best to cook them before adding them to dishes.

12. Raw eggs

They are dangerous because they can contain salmonella, a bacterium that causes gastrointestinal infections.

13. Margarine


It contains high amounts of trans fats, which are associated with heart disease, obesity, skin disease or bone deterioration.

When heated, it releases free radicals, which are toxic molecules for our body.

14. Microwave popcorn

The bag containing the corn contains perfluorooctanoic acid (C8), a blood contaminant.

15. Frankfurters and bacon


They are high in saturated fat and sodium.

16. Sandwiches

They contain a lot of carbohydrates, fats, fried and processed products. They are low in fiber.

What should we eat?

There are many healthy options available. They are also quick and easy to prepare and will make you feel satisfied.

  • You can consume oats, which are rich in vitamin B, protein, calcium and fiber. You can add fruit, honey for flavoring, nuts.
  • Natural yogurt is another option that will make you feel full, due to its high protein content. Furthermore, it does not contain superfluous sugars.
  • Another alternative is eggs, as long as you cook them. You can prepare them in many different ways.

What to do?

Limiting or eliminating these foods can be really difficult. Even more so when you have little time and a lot of hunger.

This prompts us, too often, to eat the first thing we find in the fridge. Preparation and perseverance are the secret.

That said, always carry healthy foods and snacks with you. This will allow you not to fall into the temptation to buy and consume junk food or processed food.

Avoid fried foods from restaurants or fast food restaurants, as they are high in trans fat.

Always make sure that your diet is basically made up of natural, unprocessed foods. You will see how your body will thank you.

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