Not Having Friends Is Bad For Your Health

It is not just about going out for fun, but about having people who can support us in times of need. Having no friends can be detrimental to our well-being.
Having no friends is bad for your health

In the age of social networks, surrounded by profiles with hundreds of friends, perhaps we begin to realize that, in reality, we are not surrounded by so many people to rely on. This is why not having friends is something that currently affects more and more people.

Did you know that having no friends is bad for your health? The human being needs to interact with other people, he is not made to completely isolate himself and avoid social contact.

In this article we will try to explain why this happens and how it is possible to change the situation.

Having no friends: a 21st century problem?

We are not “programmed” to live in solitude. However, more and more people recognize that they have no “real” friends beyond social networking contacts. An alternative for people who are shy or unsure of themselves.

We are not talking about hermits living in the middle of the mountain, but about human beings living in big cities. It is also not a question of age either, as it can affect both the young and the elderly.

Lack of friends has several consequences for emotional health. The most important is undoubtedly depression.

Although it is natural to think that we owe the bond with society and the sense of belonging to the family, the truth is that friendships are also necessary and desirable because they make us feel good and are also the ones we choose.

What happens when not having friends results in not having someone who can comfort us, listen to us or be there in time of need?

Feelings of distress appear suddenly, self-esteem drops to a minimum, and we begin to feel truly alone in a world inhabited by billions of people.

That is why it is normal for those who have no friends to be angry or critical of themselves, as they recognize this as a personal failure.

And even if it is a concrete situation, it is also true that the solution for change is in our hands.

Having no friends affects your health

We’ve always talked about the benefits of friendship and being surrounded by people you can rely on. But what are the health repercussions (both physical and emotional) of having no friends?

According to this study published in 2010, those with good social relationships can live up to 50% longer (and better) than loners.

Apparently, living a withdrawn life without sharing experiences and opinions with anyone is as serious a risk factor as smoking 15 cigarettes a day or being an alcoholic.

The survey was conducted in Utah (United States). On a sample of over 300,000 people over a period of 7 years.

The research measured relationships according to different parameters: the size of the social circle, whether or not they were in a couple, the number of meetings with friends per month, the specific situations in which friendships could be counted on, etc.

Regardless of age or health condition, it was concluded that participants with strong social ties exhibited a higher survival rate.

Whoever finds a friend finds a treasure

Friends hugging each other

One of the authors of the study, Julianne Holt Lunstad, pointed out that interpersonal relationships can have influences on health and, therefore, on life expectancy.

Having people you can rely on in times of stress or discomfort may seem “normal” to you; however, for many this is not the case at all.

A friend can advise us to go to the doctor if he sees that we are sick, can encourage us to eat better if we have gained too much weight, or encourage us to train together.

Furthermore, we can make small “sacrifices” for a friend who needs: going to a healthy food restaurant, being accompanied to the gym, not smoking in front of him, etc.

Social relationships are extremely important for our physical and, of course, mental health.

How to make friends?

In theory it all sounds very easy, but it’s time to find real  friends  (and not on social networks). Face-to-face contact is always difficult, but it is also the one that brings the greatest results. Therefore, a little effort will be needed to start making new friends.

If you are not a social person, are shy or withdrawn, or do a solitary job, then we recommend these simple tips to make friends easily (and enjoy all the health benefits). Put them into practice!

1. Overcome your insecurities

Put your fears aside, don’t judge yourself, don’t tell yourself that nobody wants you… because these statements keep people away from you. If you are feeling insecure, you should work on this aspect. Self-confidence attracts others.

Consult a psychologist if necessary, to start regaining your self-confidence.

Become aware of your value, the desire to socialize and to be interesting people. You are certainly full of qualities to be proud of. So focus on them.

2. Don’t judge others

Man consoled by friends

Perhaps the fact that you have no friends is due to your own prejudices. If every person you meet seems inadequate to you, perhaps you should learn to be less “demanding” or to put aside judgments. Give others the opportunity to make themselves known better.

Even if someone has harmed you in the past, you don’t have to wear armor that prevents you from interacting openly and healthily with others.

3. Talk more

You never know where and when a friendship can arise. On vacation, at the supermarket, on the subway. There are probably people who share different activities with you that you haven’t noticed yet.

How about starting with a simple greeting or a basic conversation about the weather or some event of the day? Don’t wait for others to take the initiative.

4. Find friends with similar interests

A good way to make friends is to attend events related to your interests. It can be sports, music, art or gardening. The important thing is that you surround yourself with people with whom you can share pleasant moments.

Having no friends can push you to put all of these tips into practice. In this way, you can start a journey to find people with whom to share your interests. There are so many people in the world!

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