Drinking Green Tea: 6 Important Benefits

While green tea offers significant health benefits, it is essential not to exceed the recommended daily amount of 3 cups, as sleep disturbances and agitation may occur.
Drinking green tea: 6 important benefits

Green tea is an ingredient of natural origin which, for some years now, has become extremely popular due to its slimming properties. Drinking green tea is now a very common habit.

It is one of the most consumed drinks nowadays, and due to its essential nutrient content, it is appreciated as a medicinal supplement in the treatment of certain diseases.

It is rich in antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and diuretic substances, which help the excretory organs to remove toxins.

In addition to providing a low calorie intake, it contains vitamins and mineral salts capable of bringing numerous benefits to the body, if taken on a regular basis.

Also being an important source of  epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) , a type of catechin,  it qualifies as an anticarcinogenic food.

Since many are still unaware of its wonderful properties, on this occasion we want to share 6 excellent reasons to drink green tea.

Don’t miss them!

Drinking green tea: 6 benefits

1. Helps prevent heart disease

Take care of the heart

The antioxidants contained in green tea are useful in avoiding the accumulation of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the arteries, preventing the formation of plaques and obstructions.

  • These substances help clean the bloodstream and  facilitate the regulation of lipids throughout the body.
  • Its anti-inflammatory effects reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure and chronic heart disease.
  • Its contribution of flavonoids helps to keep the circulation in a good state of health and prevents the formation of blood clots and clots.
  • Consumed in moderate quantities, it is a remedy that avoids the risk of heart failure and heart attacks.

2. Fights overweight

Drinking green tea can be of great benefit to obese or overweight people.

  • This ingredient reduces the risk of heart attack and cardiac  excess body fat.
  • Its catechins act in a beneficial way on the metabolism, improving the ability to burn calories.
  • It has a high satiating power, which is why it prevents you from consuming more food than necessary.
  • Its detoxifying properties help remove toxins from the blood, intervening in the processes that reduce the accumulation of fat.
  • It is diuretic, therefore it is a solution to water retention, which affects weight gain.

3. Acts as a natural laxative

Be careful with laxatives

People with chronic constipation or slow digestion can solve their problems with the regular consumption of green tea.

  • Its light laxative effect stimulates bowel movement  facilitating the evacuation of waste that is inside.
  • It fights abdominal inflammation, indigestion, bloating and other common digestive disorders.

4. Regulates blood sugar levels

Being a food that promotes metabolic health, drinking green tea  is also a natural solution to high blood sugar levels.

  • Its nutrients participate in the correct assimilation of carbon hydrates, which represent a source of energy for the body.
  • When they are not absorbed properly, they are responsible for high blood sugar spikes.
  • It is also ideal for improving the use of insulin, which is essential for preventing the onset of diabetes.

5. Protects liver health

Cleanse the liver and colon

Drinking green tea regularly is a simple and effective way to detoxify the liver and prevent chronic disease.

  • Its antioxidant compounds help break down and eliminate toxins, substances that are filtered by the liver to be eliminated at a later time.
  • EGCG  minimizes the damage caused by alcohol and cigarettes, reducing the risk of cancer and fatty liver.
  • It reduces inflammation and supports the bile production process so that fats are digested properly.

6. Prevents premature aging

Being a drink full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, green tea is considered  one of the best allies to reduce the risk of premature cell aging.

  • This does not only mean that it prevents the formation of wrinkles and signs of aging, but also that it protects the organs from diseases typical of old age.
  • Its flavonoids and vitamin E contribute to cell regeneration and  minimize the impact of oxidative stress.
  • It is a good ally to keep the nervous system and brain healthy, reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

It should be borne in mind that although it is beneficial,  the consumption of green tea should be kept at moderate levels,  as exceeding the recommended daily dose (3 cups) could have negative effects.

Since it contains caffeine, consumption in high doses can cause sleep disturbances and agitation. It is not recommended to mix it with medicines or alcoholic beverages.

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