Remedies For Dyed And Damaged Hair

Aloe vera helps us repair hair, while barley makes it shiny.
Remedies for dyed and damaged hair

Many women like to change their hair color from time to time. And not only that: sometimes we tend to mistreat them too much, using straighteners or chemicals and we end up with dyed and damaged hair.

How to recover their beauty and improve their appearance? Don’t worry, there are natural remedies for dyed and damaged hair that will help you keep it in all its glory.

How to take care of dyed and damaged hair

As you know, when your hair has just been dyed it looks gorgeous and bright. However, after several washes they start to become dry and dull and their appearance often worries us, because even to the touch they are harsh and unpleasant.

What can we do? Today we are going to give you several DIY recipes that can help you with dyed and damaged hair: take notes!

Aloe vera and beer mask

Aloe vera for dyed and damaged hair

What surprises you? Yes, you read that right: beer. Believe it or not, barley is ideal for repairing and especially for giving shine to damaged hair.

It is a simple and very popular remedy among beauty gurus: by combining the properties of beer with the restorative power of aloe vera, you will prepare a perfect mask to use at least two or three times a week.

What do you need?

  • Half a glass of beer
  • Two leaves of aloe vera
  • A tablespoon of olive oil


It’s very simple: take the half glass of beer and squeeze the aloe pulp. Mix the two ingredients with the tablespoon of olive oil. It can be a bit difficult at first, but if you mix well you will succeed.

Apply it on the hair making a 15-minute massage from the root to the tips, then rinse with warm water, never too hot. You can do this two to three times a week.

Mayonnaise treatment

hair care

Undoubtedly it is a very classic remedy, but really effective. It could be a little expensive and for this reason it is good to do it less often, maybe once a week.

But the properties of this egg and vinegar based sauce are perfect for taking care of hair health and giving it a layer of shine, as well as hydrating and fortifying it.


To be able to benefit from this fabulous and very simple mask, all you have to do is apply mayonnaise on damp hair. Leave it on for half an hour and then rinse well with warm water. You will see that your hair will shine.

Avocado mask

avocado mask

A classic: avocado is undoubtedly one of the most suitable remedies not only to repair and rejuvenate our skin, but also to treat hair , recover their health, shine and tone.

It will also help you repair split  ends and soften hair that tends to become frizzy. Do not hesitate to use this excellent method, you will give vitamins and beauty to your hair.


To prepare the mask, mash the pulp of a ripe avocado, also adding a spoonful of wheat germ oil. Use a fork to mix and then apply everything on the hair, leaving it wet for an hour. Then rinse your hair with warm water.

Apple cider vinegar remedy

We all know the great virtues of apple cider vinegar and its applications in beauty treatments are really very valid and widespread. To heal and restore your dyed-damaged hair, you can make a hair rinse mixture based on apple cider vinegar. You will be able to rebalance the pH level of the hair, restore shine and also eliminate dandruff.


It’s very simple: take half a glass of apple cider vinegar and dilute it with another half glass of water. To apply it on the hair you can use a nebulizer, for example. Leave on for 15 minutes and, as always, rinse with warm water.

General tips for the care of dyed hair

  • Try not to dye your hair more than twice a month. If you want to change the hue, do it little by little, avoiding as much as possible the colors that contain too much ammonia.
  • Use a specific shampoo for dyed hair.
  • Avoid rinsing your hair with very hot water : it is always better if it is lukewarm, so as not to damage the hair.
  • The use of straighteners, curling irons and hairdryers has bad effects on hair health. Try to set them to medium temperature when you need to dry them.
  • The sun affects dyed hair, so try to use adequate sunscreen.

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