Treat Type 2 Diabetes With The Help Of 7 Herbs

These herbs can help stabilize blood sugar levels and improve type 2 diabetes, but in no case can they replace the treatment prescribed by the specialist.
Treat type 2 diabetes with the help of 7 herbs

Treating type 2 diabetes is important because it is the most common form of this disease In particular, it leads to an increase in blood glucose levels when the body does not produce enough insulin or it is misused by the body.

This condition causes glucose to stay in the blood instead of being burned as energy.

To prevent this type of diabetes, exercise and a healthy diet are suggested. However, if you want to do more, it is good to know that there are some herbs that can help us treat it.

Just be clear that none of these herbs are a substitute for medical treatment. It is always about helping the body, not ignoring medical advice.

Natural remedies to treat type 2 diabetes

1. Turmeric

treat type 2 diabetes

The first herb that helps us treat type 2 diabetes is turmeric. In Ayurveda medicine it is known for its health benefits.

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory property, it is recommended in case of arthritis, heart and vascular diseases.

Thanks to its active compound, curcumin, it reduces blood sugar levels.

It is enough to consume a small amount of turmeric every day to reduce glucose levels and treat type 2 diabetes.

2. Ginger

One root that helps us treat type 2 diabetes is ginger. It is claimed to have benefits for relieving various mild ailments, from colds to digestive problems.

Over the years, moreover, some studies have been carried out to learn more about the properties of this root and many of them have shown that it favors the treatment of type 2 diabetes.

  • A good alternative to enjoy these properties is to take ½ teaspoon (2 g) of powdered ginger on an empty stomach every day for 8 weeks.
  • Being an anti-inflammatory ingredient, it also helps reduce the body’s inflammatory process that can cause vision problems in diabetic subjects.

3. Cinnamon

Cinnamon helps regulate blood sugar levels and thus treat type 2 diabetes, because it reduces the absorption of glucose after meals.

It also improves fasting blood glucose levels, as well as cholesterol.

  • Of the two main types of cinnamon that exist,  Cassia is most effective at lowering glucose . However, you have to be very careful as taking this variant for a long time can cause liver damage.
  • To avoid the negative effects, if you plan to take it every day, Ceylon cinnamon is recommended.
  • If not, you can take Cinnamon Cassia twice a week.

4. Curry

Curry is another ingredient that helps treat type 2 diabetes.

This spice helps to:

  • Reduce blood lipids
  • Fighting inflammation and bacteria
  • Protect the heart and liver

When taking curry, blood sugar levels can drop by up to 50% (depending on the value of the curry ).

5. Aloe vera 

The amount of benefits associated with this plant are varied. From relieving sunburn, promoting wound healing or protecting hair from sunlight to losing weight and treating type 2 diabetes.

  • Aloe vera reduces fasting sugar values
  • To enjoy its properties, it is recommended to drink some aloe vera juice every day
  • You can add it to smoothies or in flavored water with cucumber and lemon

6. Berberine

Berberine is a little-known plant extract, but it acts and helps treat type 2 diabetes. In fact, it reduces lipids and blood sugars. It also reduces inflammation.

However, you have to be very careful, in fact excess can cause side effects. The two most serious effects are stomach pain and flatulence.

If you wish to consume this herb, we recommend that you try it for a week first, to assess how well you tolerate these possible side effects.

7. Blueberry leaves

We have already told you that consuming some berries can prevent type 2 diabetes. However, another good option is to take the leaves in teas or infusions.

In this way, you will get excellent results, such as reducing blood sugar after eating , thus avoiding dangerous glucose spikes.   


  • 1 liter of water
  • 10 blueberry leaves


  • Boil the liter of water and, once it comes to a boil, add the blueberry leaves
  • Leave to infuse for 10 minutes before removing from heat
  • After the indicated time, you can take it as tea, as water or as a base for smoothies
  • The ideal is to avoid adding any type of sweetener

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