10 Remedies Against Intestinal Gas

To prevent intestinal gas, prepare an aniseed tea, to be taken before or after the main meals. You can also take it when you start to feel the disturbance.
10 remedies for intestinal gas

Gas is a common and annoying complaint. Because they get “trapped” inside the colon, they usually produce abdominal swelling and pain. Hence the importance of remedies against intestinal gas. 

Many studies reveal that the formation of intestinal gas is mainly due to bad eating habits that determine the presence in the body of an excess of air, not at all healthy.

Here, then, why we want to offer you simple remedies against intestinal gas.

We also recommend that you follow a balanced and healthy diet, in which there is no lack of water, at least two liters a day, and prebiotics.

These substances, unlike probiotics, are not absorbed by the body, but help maintain the right balance of the intestinal flora, also promoting proper digestion.

The main causes of intestinal gas

  • The consumption of certain foods such as, for example, beans, in different varieties, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, onion or carbonated drinks.
  • A possible lactose intolerance.
  • Eating too much, causing undigested food to turn into gas.
  • Improper chewing of food: undigested pieces of food take longer to ferment.
  • Eating with your mouth open, chewing too much gum, drinking fizzy drinks, and even smoking.
  • Certain medications: Laxatives, tranquilizers, or cholesterol lowering drugs.
  • Anxiety and stress.

10 remedies for intestinal gas

1. Papaya and pineapple

Sliced ​​papaya

The consumption of this fresh fruit after each meal provides a series of enzymes essential for proper digestion and to avoid the formation of intestinal gas.

You can make a juice or a tasty salad by combining papaya and pineapple.

2. Ginger

The ideal is to simply prepare a ginger tea using the root or take it in small quantities in the form of the root during meals.

Without a doubt, ginger is a great ally that promotes digestion and avoids annoying intestinal gas.

Another possibility is to consume a teaspoon of grated ginger before each meal.

3. Apple cider vinegar

It is an extremely effective remedy, also recommended by doctors.

IS just add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and drink it during meals, or immediately after. It will help you digest and avoid flatulence.

4. Dandelion

Dandelion is a common herb for everyone whose leaves have incredible health benefits. You can take it through infusions or use it as a spice to flavor your dishes.

5. Cinnamon tea

Cinnamon infusion

In general, herbs such as chamomile, cinnamon, or cloves help kill bacteria that cause food to rot.

They thus favor normal bowel movements. Drink cinnamon tea when you feel pain or discomfort.

6. Green anise among remedies against intestinal gas 

Anise is used both to prevent intestinal gases and to provide relief when they are already present.

Mash two teaspoons of aniseed and boil them in a cup of water. Once it reaches a boil, let it rest for a few minutes.

You can drink a cup before your main meal to prevent gas or when flatulence is already present.

7. Hot water compresses

When you start to feel stomach discomfort or abdominal bloating, you can use this simple remedy.

Place a cloth soaked in warm water on your stomach to relax the abdomen and reduce intestinal gas.

8. Lemon juice

The properties of lemon are very good for health, in various ways. For example, thanks to the acids it contains, lemon is the ideal solution in case of intestinal gas.

You can drink some lemon juice in the morning as soon as you wake up, to cleanse the body, and after lunch.

9. Garlic

Garlic is an excellent ally for our health. Thanks to its renowned properties, garlic improves digestion and reduces intestinal gas .

U solution very suitable is, for example, grinding a clove of garlic with a little black pepper and a few coriander seeds.

Boil two cups of water with these ingredients and drink them throughout the day.

10. Coconut water


In addition to being refreshing and delicious, coconut water has many health benefits, in fact it is perfect for reducing intestinal gas and improving the digestion process.

You can drink a glass in the afternoon, as many nutritionists agree that it is right after lunch and mid-afternoon that annoying intestinal gas occurs.

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