Abdominoplasty: What Does It Consist Of?

Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure that is performed not only for aesthetic purposes, but also as part of a health treatment. Those who choose it usually have experienced a sudden change in body weight.
Abdominoplasty: what does it consist of?

Abdominoplasty is an increasingly well-known and requested surgery in recent years. While most people think this is a weight loss procedure, it isn’t.

Also called abdominal wall reconstructive surgery or abdominal cosmetic surgery, it involves removing excess skin from this part of the body. It is usually necessary following a sudden change in body weight.

In addition to removing excess loose skin, abdominoplasty also removes some of the abdominal fat. But also correct the abdominal muscles, which can be flabby.

It is one of the most requested surgeries today. It not only helps aesthetically, but also improves the person’s self-esteem. In this article we explain what a tummy tuck consists of and why it is performed.

What is abdominoplasty?

Following a sudden change in body weight, in excess or in defect, the skin may lose elasticity and not regain its natural shape, remaining flabby and poorly distributed.

Abdominoplasty consists of removing excess skin to achieve a flatter and firmer abdomen. In addition, it also allows you to correct the excess abdominal fat and the muscle flabbiness that accompanies these alterations.

There are different types of abdominal surgery, among which the traditional one and the mini-abdominoplasty stand out. Traditional surgery requires general anesthesia and a hospital stay of several days. It lasts from 2 to 6 hours and a larger incision is made.

On the other hand, mini abdominoplasty is performed when the only purpose is to treat the area below the navel. It is a simpler and shorter procedure. The incision is smaller and post-operative recovery easier than with the traditional procedure.

Flaccid abdomen.
It is possible to solve the problem of a flaccid abdomen following a sudden change in body weight with abdominoplasty.

Who chooses to undergo a tummy tuck?

You might think abdominoplasty is a weight loss surgery, yet that’s not the main purpose. Generally, in fact, it is aimed at thin people who have excess skin on their stomach.

Likewise, it is indicated in the presence of excess fat that is impossible to eliminate with diet or exercise. This is the case for women who have had more than one pregnancy. This is because, after gestation, the skin and abdominal muscles sometimes do not recover their initial firmness.

The woman who undergoes abdominoplasty should avoid getting pregnant again. In the event of a new pregnancy, the skin and muscles would become too tense and the surgery would be in vain.

Obese people who have lost a lot of weight also resort to abdominoplasty. In these cases, the skin will appear loose and hanging, and it will also be very heavy.

Overweight man measures the abdominal circumference.

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What needs to be considered?

This is a very useful procedure, as in addition to solving an aesthetic problem, it can improve a person’s self-esteem. It will also make you more limber, as excess loose skin is practically a burden.

However, we cannot forget that it is a surgical procedure, so it is not without risks. First of all, it should be noted that the scar will be very visible as a large incision is required which can even alter the position of the navel.

In addition to this, as with any other surgical procedure, there is a risk of infection or incomplete healing. Other risks are due to anesthesia, as there is the possibility that local sensitivity is altered.

Finally, it is recommended that the weight be stable for at least six months before performing the tummy tuck. For all these reasons, the ideal is to get adequate information and consult your doctor before making this decision.

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