Clean Up The Bronchi In A Natural Way

Cleanse the bronchi in a natural way

When do we need to clean up the bronchi ? Especially when you suffer from bronchitis, inflammation or an excessive accumulation of mucus that prevents you from breathing normally.

These are diseases that, as you know, require specific medical treatment and therapy. No matter what our age is: as children or adults, we can all suffer from bronchial problems. So here are some tips to try at home. They will certainly come in handy.

Remedies to cleanse the bronchi

1. Infusion of eucalyptus

eucalyptus is an excellent decongestant

Eucalyptus is an excellent decongestant, one of the best natural remedies to treat diseases such as flu and colds, but also to clean up the bronchi. Here’s what to do to benefit from its excellent properties:

  • Heat a liter of water and, when it boils, add 5 grams of eucalyptus leaves.
  • When it boils, turn off the heat and let it rest.
  • You can drink the infusion little by little throughout the day. Make sure it is always warm, never cold.

To improve the health of your bronchial tubes, another useful remedy is fumenti. Here’s how to proceed:

  • Heat two liters of water and add 100 grams of eucalyptus leaves. Place a towel over your head and inhale the vapors of this simple brew twice a day. You will see how useful it is.

2. Carrot juice and honey

carrot and honey juice is great for clearing the bronchi

Surprised? The combination of carrot juice and honey is a source of great benefits, excellent for treating inflamed or mucus-filled bronchi. It will help you to reduce nasal and throat congestion, you will notice relief in your chest and you will breathe much better.

  • Carrot juice is rich in beta-carotene and vitamin A.
  • Combining it with honey, we obtain a natural antibiotic rich in vitamins, capable of giving relief and reducing inflammation.
  • How to prepare it? It is very easy. Start by blending a couple of carrots with half a glass of water. After that, add two tablespoons of honey.
  • Drink it at room temperature. We recommend drinking it twice a day, one juice in the morning and one before dinner. It is also perfect for the little ones because it really tastes great.

3. Cranberry and ginger juice

cranberry and ginger juice

Cranberry or cranberry is the fruit most used medically to reduce bronchial congestion. We know they are not always easy to find fresh in the supermarket, as it is when they are fresh and natural that they are richer in properties and benefits.

If, on the other hand, you can find them, they are really great for decongesting, cleaning and fortifying the health of our bronchi. In order to benefit from this remedy you must :

  • Boil 200 grams of cranberries for 10 minutes.
  • Blend them together with half a glass of water.
  • Filter the drink to remove the peels.
  • Prepare an infusion with a tablespoon of ginger and mix the two drinks. Drink the mix throughout the day and you will notice how your health improves immediately.

4. Sandalwood garments for the bronchi

sandalwood oil

Have you ever heard of the properties of sandalwood oil? You can easily find it in herbalists. It is mostly known to be one of the best natural remedies to cleanse the bronchi.

It reduces the fraction of mucus and inflammations, and purifies the bronchi. It is not an expensive oil and for its benefits it is worth always having some at home. A very useful natural remedy.

  • To cleanse the bronchi, the ideal is to boil two liters of water in a pot.
  • Add 6 to 10 drops of sandalwood oil and boil. Once ready, get ready for the fumenti.
  • Get in a comfortable place and be careful not to burn yourself. Inhale the vapor of this mixture for at least 10 minutes.
  • The sandalwood will help you to relieve the bronchial tubes and improve the symptoms. Remember to do the fumenti about 3 times a day.

5. Infusion of lime and pine leaves

lime leaves

If you can find lime leaves, this is as effective as it is inexpensive. Furthermore, in many herbalists you can find ready-made infusions, precisely because it is one of the most useful remedies for treating any disease of the bronchi.

  • The infusion prepared with pine needles and lime leaves is another natural remedy for bronchitis. It is a combination with great anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces fever and mucus and also provides cough relief by relaxing the chest muscles.
  • You have to prepare this infusion twice a day. Just heat a glass of water and add 5 lime leaves and 5 grams of pine needles. Bring to a boil and then let it sit for 10 minutes.
  • Finally, drain the infusion well and add some honey. It will help you find relief; besides, it tastes great.

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