7 Ingredients We Have At Home To Eliminate Warts

It is important to delimit the affected area and apply the remedy carefully so as not to infect other areas of the body. It is best to combine topical and oral treatment
7 ingredients we have at home to get rid of warts

Warts can occur in one or more areas of the body, and while they are painless and pose no health risk, they often turn into a problem for sufferers as they are very unsightly.

There are many treatments nowadays that can help eliminate a wart and the virus that causes it altogether ; however, it is important to know how to apply them correctly, since, being contagious, they can spread to other areas of the body or appear several times in the same place.

One of the alternatives to combat this skin disease is to use natural ingredients that you certainly have at home. On this occasion, let’s talk about some of them and the correct way to apply them to reduce this problem.

1. Lemon juice to get rid of warts

lemon juice can help us eliminate warts

Lemon juice has a powerful antibiotic and antiviral action that can help reduce the wart if applied constantly.

How to apply it?

  • You have to squeeze the juice of a lemon and then apply it directly on the wart using a cotton ball.
  • You can also rub a lemon wedge, but be careful not to touch other areas of the skin to avoid contagion.

2. Potato

A natural juice can be extracted from the potato which is used to fight warts and accelerate the recovery of the skin.

How to apply it?

Grate a little potato until you get a juicy paste to apply on the wart with a bandage.

3. Baking soda against warts

This health ally ingredient has antibiotic and astringent properties  that complement the treatment against warts to facilitate their elimination.

How to apply it?

To enhance its effects, it is recommended to prepare a mixture of baking soda and white vinegar. After forming a thick compound, apply it directly to the affected area.

4. Apple cider vinegar

apple cider vinegar

This popular ingredient has a strong antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral action which makes it one of the best allies to get rid of this problem. The acids act effectively on the affected area and, thanks to this, this remedy offers results in a short time.

How to apply it?

Buy 100% organic apple cider vinegar, dip a cotton ball in the liquid and apply it to the wart, holding it firm with an adhesive bandage or scotch tape. Change the cotton ball every 8 to 12 hours to speed up the process.

5. Garlic to eliminate warts

The natural antibiotic par excellence is garlic. This condiment that is used so much to give flavor to dishes has multiple medicinal properties and is one of the best treatments against annoying warts.

How to apply it?

  • It is recommended to eat a clove of raw garlic every day to fight the virus from the inside, but also to apply it directly on the wart to eliminate it.
  • Prepare a paste by grinding a clove of garlic to apply on the wart by covering it with a bandage.

6. Ginger as a remedy to fight warts

powdered ginger

Another very useful spice in the treatment of this condition is ginger. This plant has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action that can fight the virus and eliminate these bumps.

How to apply it?

  • Grate some ginger root and add it to a little water to form a paste. Apply on the wart and fix with adhesive tape. It is advisable to carry out the treatment before going to bed, so that it works all night.
  • Repeat the treatment until the wart disappears.

7. Onion against warts

Onion has properties very similar to garlic and has been one of the most valued medicinal foods in the world for hundreds of years. Its antibacterial and antibiotic power makes it a great ally in the fight against the human papilloma virus (HPV), the main cause of the recurrent appearance of warts.

How to apply it?

  • For a complete treatment against this skin alteration, it is first recommended to increase the consumption of raw onion, in the form of juices, salads or alone. This will allow the cellular structure to be stronger, increasing the immune response against virus attacks.
  • The next step is to prepare an onion paste and apply it to the infected area using a bandage. This treatment must be repeated every evening until completely eliminated.

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