I Would Like To Look For You, But I Have No More Reason To Find You

In order for the couple’s relationship to be healthy, it is essential to know how to respect the other person’s spaces. It’s okay to build a life together, but you have to keep your margin of intimacy.
I would like to look for you, but I have no more reasons to find you

Sometimes, the feeling remains, the memories and the love shared with a person also remain. However, memories are not enough to build a relationship and also the real reasons to carry on something that in fact no longer exists.

Relationships are complex and require, first of all, a mutual effort whereby both win and no one loses. It means teaming up, fostering the personal growth of both and of the relationship itself.

At this point, a really hard thing is to just break the bond, say goodbye for good, and leave the relationship in the past so that you can move forward with confidence and integrity.

Very often, it happens that the desire to be with someone remains, but that there are no real reasons to recover the relationship. Today, with this article of ours, we want to invite you to reflect on the end of couple relationships.

The reasons that push us to maintain a relationship as a couple

reasons to be with someone

Nobody comes into the world knowing everything already. Love traps us and sometimes makes us forget about ourselves, making us live only with emotions, with a blind passion, making us feel alive.

There are many reasons why being with someone is worth fighting for.

One thing to keep in mind, however, is that it is never convenient to put the other person in front of ourselves or our desires, our self-esteem, our integrity and respect for us.

Take note of these things to consider in maintaining a good relationship as a couple.

Respect the other person’s spaces

There are two spheres that define a healthy and authentic relationship: the personal sphere and that of the relationship itself.

There are those who think that being a couple means being one in all respects, but it doesn’t have to be.

It is necessary first of all to be individual subjects and to give oneself the opportunity to grow and learn together with the other person: to walk together, to mature together.

  • One of the reasons why it is worth fighting for a relationship is the fact that we have a person next to us who cares about us and allows us to always be ourselves : we can enjoy our friendships, cultivate hobbies and passions, have special interests, a work and even worries.
  • Couples should be able to build a relationship based on shared commitment and priorities.

Being a couple means being two to build a life in common, respecting each other’s interests, tastes and spaces.

Empathic and constructive communication

Talking does not mean communicating, it is not just laughing together, it is above all finding an agreement, a meeting point. Enjoying each other’s company and humor is important, no doubt, but it is essential that there is empathic and constructive communication in the couple.

  • It is necessary to dialogue day after day and that both have a say. We must also pay attention to the emotions and gestures of non-verbal communication, because they are also indispensable in a couple relationship.
  • There are those who do not know how to communicate, those who can do nothing but verbally insult or attack the other person, those who use a strong tone of voice that hurts. Attention must be paid to all these aspects.

Cultivate the relationship as a couple every day, not every other day

In a healthy, happy and lasting couple relationship there is no room for selfishness and for “why do I say so!”.

Even a “today I love you, but tomorrow I forget about you and I give importance to other things, to other people” is not acceptable.

  • We have to keep a balance. Undoubtedly, nowadays there are a lot of pressures, worries at work, but this does not mean that the couple’s relationship must take second place.
  • If the partner respects us, takes care of us and allows us to grow as people, then we will have more than one reason to fight, to commit ourselves to making happy those who make us happy.
girl sitting between shower heads

I have no more reasons to look for you

If there are no more reasons to maintain a relationship, a love, it makes no sense to feed false hopes or to think that sooner or later things will change.

Keep in mind that people don’t change. Sometimes they are not as we expected and it is necessary to understand this in time, in order to react accordingly and avoid unnecessary suffering.

  • Sometimes, more than good memories, there are lost illusions, broken hopes and dreams, what we wanted from a relationship and that has never been fulfilled. They are broken dreams that hurt and hopefully will never come true, at least not in this relationship or with this person.
  • It is necessary to act with courage, put aside the love that obviously is there and focus on the future. Must go on.

Because life doesn’t stop, we have to set priorities ourselves. A sick love, a relationship that cannot continue only damages self-esteem.

Woman running away into the woods

Undoubtedly, the desire will remain, the desire for the relationship to continue, but there will be no more real reasons to carry on the battle, because it is now useless. Let’s accept it, live the pain and allow ourselves to be happy again.

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