Break A Relationship For 4 Reasons

There are times when the worst thing we can do, both for our mental health and for that of our partner, is to stay together. Allow life to flow.
Break a relationship for 4 reasons

Some couples sometimes come to a point where they wonder if they still want to continue being together or if it’s time to break off a relationship. When this doubt arises, the answer is obvious: “no”.

However, due to the affection we feel towards our partner, the difficulties we have overcome together, we justify things that, in reality, have no justification.

It’s wrong. Sometimes it is out of fear, sometimes out of lack of desire to start a new relationship.  However, if there are some of these reasons, it is good to end your relationship.

1. Terminating a relationship because we have failed

couple-separates break a relationship

Does anyone like to fail? No, to none and much less when this has to do with a couple relationship. Failure, in this case, is unforgivable.  

This thought is one of the reasons for ending a relationship. When it arises, it manifests fear and social disapproval.

One also comes to feel guilty, as one feels responsible for that failure. Maybe we didn’t give it our all, maybe we didn’t love our partner as he loved us …

Justifications on justifications that do not allow us to make the decision to end a relationship that no longer makes sense. 

It was not a failure, but a normal situation. With coexistence and the passing of the years, we often end up wearing out and, at times, the paths of two partners go their separate ways.

Don’t be afraid of what others will say. The only thing that really matters is how you feel. Don’t prolong a relationship just because you feel responsible for it failing.

2. We must think about the children

Obviously you have to think about the children, but not in the way you are doing it. As a partner, you are wrong in the way you deal with this negative situation.

Continuing to be together for children is a big mistake. The discussions will not cease, the relationship will become even more critical and, eventually, it will explode.

Your children will find themselves living in an unpleasant environment.  They will not feel comfortable and will witness negative attitudes that will not do them any good.

We believe that the little ones need a united family, the result of a couple who love each other and who continue to be together. Nonetheless, it is a wrong notion. Children need parents  who give them love and who are as happy as possible, so that they can pass on the same happiness to their children.

In this way, they will also not be forced to grow up in an unfavorable environment.  

You are forcing yourself to be with someone you don’t love simply because you believe it is best for your children.

3. Fear of loneliness related to the possibility of ending a relationship

mother and daughter

There are many people who develop a certain emotional dependence,  especially if they have been with someone for a long time and have never really been alone.

This can be a problem when the couple wonders whether to continue the relationship or break it. One of the two components will be pervaded by fear and separation anxiety.

This fear of loneliness is growing as we grow up.  So, the older you are, the harder you think it is to find a new partner.

Since being with someone is very important in our society, we opt to continue the relationship that we should simply break off so as not to be alone.

The result is, without doubt, catastrophic. We turn off and become sad people, as we cling to a situation only because fear is our shadow.

It is not easy to get out of such a situation, but it is worth the effort. Being alone is an adventure.  Above all, because you will find out who really wants to be with you.

If you see things in this perspective, you will no longer be afraid. You will always be with yourself.

4. I will never see any friends again if I decide to end a relationship


It is normal for a couple who have been together for a long time to have several friends in common. Which does not imply a big problem, until it comes to separation.

Staying together can be the best option for avoiding losses.  Sometimes not only in terms of friends, but also of in-laws and in-laws who have become fundamental people for us.

It is true that you will need time to resume relationships with these people. However, it does not mean that you will lose them. This indispensable period of suffering must be overcome to put things back in order.

Furthermore, it could also happen that you or your ex partner become great friends. In this case, all your fears are unfounded.

If you are wondering whether or not to continue your relationship, pay attention to these four factors, as they are clear evidence that the relationship you are in is no longer for you.

Think about yourself, what makes you feel better.  Don’t worry about what’s going to happen. If you are well, everything will pass.

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