Delicious Nutritious And Satiating Breakfasts

In this article, we explain how to prepare three delicious breakfasts, all healthy and complete, for a king’s breakfast!
Delicious nutritious and filling breakfasts

An old saying says that we should have a king’s breakfast, a prince’s lunch and a poor man’s dinner. However, breakfast continues to be the meal that is most often skipped or that many people do not give due importance. In this article we explain how to prepare three delicious breakfasts, all healthy and complete.

Despite being very nutritious, these delicious breakfasts will also help you lose weight thanks to their fiber content. What’s your favorite?

Delicious breakfasts with a green smoothie

The healthiest and most effective way to lose weight is not to skip meals or reduce calorie intake or quantity, but to choose nutritious, fiber-rich and satiating foods. This is why we present this green smoothie for people who want to lose a few extra pounds.

While its color might surprise you, the taste is delicious and if you don’t feel hungry when you wake up, you can also take it with you and drink some later in the morning. To prepare it, however, you will need a blender.


  • Spinach or lamb’s lettuce leaves, tender and fresh
  • Half an avocado
  • Half a ripe banana
  • A glass of plant-based milk (preferably rice or oats) or unsweetened apple juice
  • A teaspoon of flaxseed
  • Grated lemon zest
  • Agave syrup, honey or purified stevia extract.

Blend the ingredients well until you get a creamy consistency. If you want it to be more liquid, add a little more juice or vegetable milk. You can also vary the ingredients according to the season and your tastes, adding or changing nuts, seeds, soft drinks or fruit.

Green smoothie

Delicious special breakfasts: Budwig cream

When you need a very complete breakfast that gives you energy for the whole morning, you can use the famous Budwig Cream, a recipe created by Dr. Kousmine and which will give you everything your body needs in the early morning.


  • 4 tablespoons of white cheese such as ricotta or half natural yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil
  • Lemon juice
  • 2 teaspoons of dried fruit or raw and chopped seeds (sesame, sunflower, pine nuts, walnuts, almonds, etc.)
  • A teaspoon of honey or brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of pollen
  • 3 teaspoons of raisins or 2 dried figs
  • 3 dried plums
  • 2 teaspoons raw and chopped oats or soaked overnight.

How is it prepared?

Beat the cheese or yogurt with the oil, then add the lemon juice and other ingredients. You can also add some fresh fruit and accompany the cream with a digestive infusion.

If you don’t digest dairy products very well, you can replace them with three tablespoons of sugar-free dried fruit cream (oats, hazelnuts, etc.), which you can find in health food stores.

Budwig cream

Delicious Sunday breakfasts: buckwheat crêpes

Everyone likes to break the rules and indulge in a whim, but if it is healthy, it will give you double the satisfaction.

We propose to prepare crêpes, but with buckwheat flour, a flour widely used in France and which thanks to its high fiber content is very digestive. Furthermore, the recipe will also be suitable for people with celiac disease, since it does not contain gluten.

This cereal helps fight obesity, depression , diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Ingredients (for 8-12 crêpes)

  • 1 and a half glasses of buckwheat flour
  • A spoonful of sea salt
  • 1 glass of cold water (200 ml.)
  • 1 egg
  • Olive oil


  1. First, mix the water and salt.
  2. Then, add the flour little by little and mix until you get a soft dough.
  3. At this point add the egg and beat the mixture well.
  4. Then let the dough rest in the refrigerator for one or two hours, and it will be ready to be cooked.
  5. Finally, prepare the crêpes in a pan with a little oil, cooking them on both sides, in the same way as normal ones.
Delicious breakfasts with crepes

To make it a truly healthy breakfast, we recommend that you avoid creams, cream and sugars and choose one of the following options:

Sweet crepes

  • Pure bitter cocoa, honey and yogurt
  • Compote of apple, raisins and walnuts
  • Light orange marmalade, orange peel and ground cinnamon

Savory crêpes

  • Eggs, lettuce and mayonnaise
  • Guacamole and fresh cheese
  • Arugula and smoked or marinated salmon

Images courtesy of artfulgourmetnyc, neil conway, Chinkerfly and vanessayavonne

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