5 Diet Foods That Make You Fat

Who said all light foods are good for weight loss? Be careful what you eat and watch out for diet foods that make you fat.
5 diet foods that make you fat

Diets to lose weight don’t always work as they should. There are numerous tips, tricks and recipes for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight but, many times, these promises are not kept. Why? To begin with, not everyone knows that there are diet foods that make you fat.

When a person decides to change his eating habits, he begins to exclude from the daily diet anything that could cause him to accumulate excess fat. For example cookies, candies, chocolates, fried potatoes. Yet, they continue to consume a number of diet foods that make them fat , without their knowledge.

In order for your weight loss diet to be truly effective, it is essential that you know how to recognize these diet foods that make you fat.

By excluding them from your eating routine, you will finally be able to reach your target weight.

Not all weight loss diets work

When it comes to losing weight, we exclude fats, sweets, fizzy drinks from our diet. These products are rightly abandoned with a view to following a healthy and balanced diet.

Yet, week after week, despite the efforts in the gym and the sacrifices when you hang out with friends, you can’t drop even a pound. Where is the problem hiding? How to make your diet really effective?

Thanks to nutritionist and chef Amelia Winslow in this article we will reveal to you which diet foods make you fat. Once identified, you can easily eliminate them from your fridge, finally starting to exploit the full potential of the weight loss diet.

5 diet foods that make you fat

1. Diet drinks

Soft drinks and fruit on a table

Researchers say that when we eat or drink something sweet, the body expects calories and acts accordingly. But when calories are not present, how does the body react?

Well, in the only way possible: by slowing down the metabolism. In this way, he will be less sensitive to insulin and will promote weight gain.

But then: what can you drink when you are on a diet? Of course, we recommend that you replace these fake diet sodas with plain still water. In addition, to overcome the monotony, iced tea without sugar, water with lemon or herbal infusions, to choose according to your tastes, will also be fine.

2. Low-fat foods

When people buy a low-fat product, they usually consume 30% more of that food. The consequence of this practice is absolutely unfavorable for the diet, as you will eventually end up consuming an excessive amount of lipids.

For this reason, it is advisable to eat small portions of healthy food without necessarily being low in fat. The important thing is to check the portions of food, always chosen on the basis of the ratio between the number of calories and physical activity performed.

3. Flavored yogurt among diet foods that make you fat

There are diet foods that make you fat

Many think that the benefits of yogurt are endless, even when consumed in industrial quantities and adding any type of ingredient. Obviously, this is not the case at all and when flavored, this food is also part of the dietary foods that make you fat.

We always recommend that you consume natural, low-fat yogurt with no added sugar. Flavored yogurts are usually high in industrial sweeteners or carbohydrate-rich syrups.

In order to give more flavor to your low-fat yogurt, just add simple pieces of fresh fruit.

4. Diet foods that make you fat: packaged fruit

The problem of pre-packaged foods lies in the need, on the part of the manufacturing companies, to keep them as long as possible to increase the purchasing possibilities. Did you know that preservatives are also added to packaged fruit?

In this case, we are talking about fructose-rich corn syrup that gives the fruits flavor and keeps them in an optimal state for several days. So, always try to consume fresh fruit!

5. Sports drinks

Girl quenches thirst

The fact that some athletes appear in magazines and advertisements with these products in their hands does not mean that they really use them for their competitions, quite the contrary. Keep in mind that these drinks mainly contain water and sugar.

By taking them, you will enter your body a very high amount of calories which are the same ones you are trying to burn. If your diet isn’t working, it’s probably because of this too.

These drinks should be consumed only after a high physical effort, to replace the sugar lost in training. Therefore, they should not be taken lightly, but only when you have exhausted your body.

As you have seen, there are so many diet foods that make you fat without your knowledge. To reach your weight loss goal, here are some small tips to always keep in mind, to get the most out of your weight loss diet.

4 tips to lose weight without problems

  1. The “fat burners” do not exist. All products, foods and supplements serve only as supplements to your low calorie diet. This means that their contribution is minimal, as the most important thing is that the diet is well designed and personalized. Better still if under the supervision of a specialist (dietician, nutritionist or dietician).
  2. Say yes to carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are essential for the body, even when you are on a weight loss diet. It is advisable to choose the whole variety, to provide more fiber and nutrients to your body.
  3. Fat? Yes, but only if of quality. These too, in the right measure, are necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Try to give preference to vegetable fats, such as olive oil to dress the salad and prepare the dishes. Following a diet does not mean giving up on flavors. In addition, good, or unsaturated, fats include omega 3 and omega 6 fats, which are rich in vitamins A, D and E.
  4. Dinner is not your enemy. The rule of five meals a day should always be respected. Just as breakfast is essential to restart the body after the night break, dinner is also essential to ensure your well-being. Choose a light and balanced menu, so as to promote sleep and not weigh down the metabolism. Remember that for about 6/8 hours your body will remain dry and, therefore, it is worth giving it something to burn.

Final remarks

Remember that, to have a healthy body, it is not enough to ingest few calories: it will also be necessary to carry out adequate physical activity. Likewise, it is not mandatory to go to the gym every day and become a body building champion.

Simply walking for an hour a day, cycling to work, taking the stairs and not using the car are all good habits that will help you maintain a healthier lifestyle.

The human body is designed to move, so to make your diet effective you will have to satisfy this need. Leave the sofa and television alone, go for a walk, run outdoors and go hiking. Always in the right measure and with common sense.

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