Repel Flies With Natural Remedies

Cloves, in addition to eliminating insects, give a good aroma to your home
Repel flies with natural remedies

Repelling flies is essential, because they can cause various diseases when, for example, they come into contact with the food we consume. However, there are some natural remedies that can help rid our homes of flies. Here are the best ones to avoid resorting to industrial insecticides.

Envelopes of water

Clear water bags are great for repelling flies. In fact, the water contained in them makes sunlight reflect and allows the formation of a prism. This optical effect bothers and wards off annoying insects.

Vinegar trap to repel flies


Vinegar contains acetic acid, an active ingredient which, when sprayed on insects, slows down their movements and allows them to be killed more easily. In this case we will combine it with other ingredients, so that the fight against flies is more effective.

You will need:

  • water
  • Transparent adhesive tape
  • 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of liquid soap
  • 1 plastic bottle
  • Scissors

How to do?

• The first thing to do is to cut the neck of the bottle. Then, introduce the neck just cut into the bottle, like a funnel.

• Attach it with clear tape and fill a fifth of the bottle with water. Next, add the soap, vinegar and shake well.

• This trap can be placed in an area of ​​the house where flies are usually very annoying. Attracted by the vinegar, they will fall into the bottle and will never be able to leave.


Some herbs have properties that help repel the flies that invade our homes. The function of these herbs is to keep flies and insects away from the house, so they are excellent as “preventive” remedies.



Flies don’t like the strong smell of this spice. Just put 20 or 30 cloves in an apple or other surface and leave the trap in a strategic position. This trick, in addition to helping you keep flies away, is ideal for giving your home a good scent.

Honey with corn flour

Mix some honey with cornmeal. Put the mixture in different containers and distribute them in various areas of the house. Flies will feel attracted to the sweet aroma of the compound, but once touched they will stick together.

Clean your home well

Hygiene of all spaces in the house is essential to keep flies away. It is very important to do a general cleaning of the house and frequently remove residues that can attract flies. Also use garbage cans with lids to prevent flies from being attracted to them.

After cleaning, wipe with a cloth moistened with vinegar where flies are usually found, such as doors and windows. The smell of vinegar will repel them. You can also fill a vaporizer with vinegar and spray it frequently in various areas of the house.

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