What Are Toxins And How Do They Work In The Body?

To eliminate toxins from the body, it is important to eat a healthy diet and stay well hydrated. The liver and kidneys are our main allies in this process.
What are toxins and how do they work in the body?

For some years now the mass media have been talking more and more often about toxins, about the most suitable sports to eliminate and about the famous detox diets. However, few still really know what toxins are and why it is advisable to purify the body.

Toxins are harmful substances produced by cells, whether they are plant, animal or produced by bacteria. In our case, they can be produced by the body and come from outside.

A buildup of toxins damages cells and tissues. In the next few lines we will explain in more detail what toxins are, what produces them and how to eliminate them.

What are toxins?

They are substances potentially harmful to cells and tissues. They can be small molecules, proteins and other elements coming from both the outside and the inside of the body.

First of all, it is good to know that they are continuously produced by the body as a result of the metabolic processes necessary for our survival. For example, the mechanism by which cells obtain energy generates free radicals.

Free radicals are unstable molecules considered toxins, as their accumulation can damage cells. In addition to this, we produce many more every time we eat, breathe or consume substances such as tobacco.

However, the body is equipped with mechanisms that can neutralize or eliminate them. By neutralizing them, it prevents them from reaching too high levels, which is the most damaging condition for the tissues.

The organs responsible for neutralizing and eliminating toxins are the liver and kidneys. We excrete most of the toxins through urine and feces. For proper purification, therefore, these organs must function optimally.

For example, kidney and liver diseases alter the detoxification process and slow down the elimination of free radicals, promoting aging.

The liver eliminates toxins.
The liver plays a major role in the detoxification process.

Other sources of toxins

As mentioned, food is also an important source of toxins. Not only because of the reactions that take place inside the body during digestion, but also because these substances often come from the food itself.

In this sense, foods rich in additives and fats contain higher percentages of toxins. The same happens with foods that are fried or processed at high temperatures. Likewise, substances such as tobacco and alcohol are also extremely harmful.

Pollutants, such as heavy metals present in some animals we eat, are considered sources of poisoning. It should not be forgotten that the poisons of some animals, such as snakes and insects, are highly toxic.

Ultra-processed foods, widely used in the food industry, accelerate the release process of toxins due to the numerous processing steps they undergo. In order to minimize health risks, the choice of products at the supermarket must always be targeted.

How to eliminate toxins from the body?

Detox foods to purify the body.
We currently have no evidence on the real effectiveness of so-called detox diets.

Although the various detox diets and formulas are widely advertised, there is still no scientific evidence of their benefits. However, it is true that our organs must be in optimal conditions to purify the body in the right way. In particular, the liver and kidneys.

In this regard, it is extremely important to stay hydrated, i.e. drink between 1.5 and 2 liters of water a day. This helps the kidneys produce more urine and cleanse themselves more frequently.

Logically, if we start to reduce the amount of toxins we ingest from the outside, we can only benefit from them. We can start eliminating alcohol, tobacco, and processed, high-fat foods. The ideal is to consume as much fruit and vegetables as possible.

Not only diets are useful for detoxification

It is advisable to follow an active lifestyle, which involves moderate-intensity physical activity several times a week. Through sport we can eliminate waste, as well as lower stress levels, which in any case are correlated.

Don’t forget that toxins are substances that are harmful to tissues. But before starting any diet or taking detox products, it is important to inquire and consult a professional.

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