Scarlet Fever: Symptoms And Treatments

Scarlet fever is an exanthematous disease due to the presence of bacteria of the Streptococcus family. Read on to find out all about this condition.
Scarlet fever: symptoms and treatments

Have you ever heard of scarlet fever? It is a rash disease that usually affects children between the ages of 5 and 15. Read on to learn about the symptoms, treatment, and ways of infecting scarlet fever in children!

Scarlet fever is a pediatric disease

Scarlet fever and tongue with white spots.
One of the main symptoms of scarlet fever is a red, raspberry-like tongue.

Scarlet fever is a group A streptococcal bacterial infection, a family of bacteria that can also cause streptococcal angina and skin infections. In the case of scarlet fever, the bacteria release a toxin that causes red skin rashes, hence the disease.

How does scarlet fever happen?

As with other bacteria, strep is transmitted through the droplets of saliva or mucus that an infected person expels when they cough or sneeze. When another person comes into contact with these liquids and then touches their nose, mouth or eyes, they pass the bacteria on to their body without realizing it.

On the other hand, it is possible to contract scarlet fever when touching the sores on the skin caused by strep. If children have this disease, wash your hands thoroughly after helping them spread an itch cream.

Symptoms in children

Scarlet fever causes fever in children.
Fever, sore throat, and skin rash indicate scarlet fever.

Symptoms of scarlet fever in children are similar to those of other exanthematous diseases. Some manifestations, however, differ and this favors the diagnosis by the pediatrician. Below we see the main symptoms of the disease:

  1. Red skin rashes, usually affecting the face and neck, but not involving the oral cavity. Slowly they extend to the armpits, chest and groin until they cover the whole body. The red spots begin to swell and acquire a rough, sandpaper-like appearance.
  2. Fever above 38.3 ° C.
  3. Sore throat, which hinders swallowing and worsens inflammation of the tonsils.
  4. The tongue sometimes appears inflamed and covered with a white patina; subsequently it acquires a reddish color and presents small protuberances.
  5. Chills.
  6. Vomiting and abdominal pain.

If your child has multiple symptoms, don’t hesitate to see your doctor. Scarlet fever should be treated with antibiotic therapy, as it is a bacterial disease. The pediatrician will make the diagnosis via a strep test or a culture of the tonsillar swab.

Treatment of scarlet fever

Doctor with pills in hand.
Since this is a bacterial infection, the doctor will always prescribe an antibiotic, along with medications to calm the symptoms.

The infected child will need to take an antibiotic to fight the infection. Generally, oral antibiotics will be prescribed but if the child refuses to ingest the drug, the doctor may opt for intravenous medications.

As for fever, the same treatment is valid for any disease: paracetamol or ibuprofrene must be administered according to pediatric prescription to calm the ailments and bring down the fever.

Natural remedies

Make sure your child drinks enough to avoid dehydration. Among the other measures to be implemented to give relief to the baby you can:

  • Prepare meals that are easy to swallow, such as soups, mashed potatoes, well-cooked pasta or boiled vegetables.
  • Give him fresh fruit juice to drink.
  • Offer him drinks to calm the inflammation in his throat.
  • Prepare juices or milkshakes based on milk and fruit, nutritious, fresh and tasty!
  • Apply a cream to relieve itching on the skin.
  • Oatmeal helps relieve itching. Just add some in the bath and let the baby relax.
  • Trim the baby’s nails to prevent scratching himself.

If after 48 you still have fever, vomiting or stomach pain or if there are deep wounds on your skin, call your doctor. The specialist will want to perform a visit to verify the problem.

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