6 Strange Symptoms That Indicate A Bowel Problem

Perhaps not everyone knows that bone weakness can be linked to an intestinal problem. Its inability to adequately absorb minerals acts negatively on a global level, on the whole organism
6 strange symptoms that indicate a bowel problem

A gut problem doesn’t always manifest itself through the usual symptoms we all know, such as constipation. Sometimes,  we are not aware of the numerous functions performed by the intestine, an essential organ for the proper functioning of the body.

Thanks to it, we can absorb the nutrients of the foods we ingest, we get minerals, water and vitamins, it also plays a very important role within the immune system.

The bacterial flora that covers the walls of the intestine is essential for our health, to deal with multiple diseases and guarantee that inner balance that allows us to enjoy a good quality of life.

It should also be remembered that the intestine is divided into various segments, including the colon.

It is clear, therefore, that keeping the intestines in shape is equivalent to maintaining the general well-being of our body, a fact that we should always keep in mind.

It is necessary to pay attention to the secondary symptoms that we sometimes overlook and that, instead, can be the alarm bell of a problem in the intestine .

In today’s article we want to present some of them: we are sure that it will be of great help to discover them and learn to recognize them to know if you have a bowel problem.

1. Weak bones

Let’s imagine that, during a harmless walk in the mountains with friends, we stumble on a stone and break a hip or a femur.

  • This episode may undoubtedly be due to two factors: the position of the stone or a classic osteoporosis, a very common pathology among women.
  • At this point, let’s imagine breaking a wrist, shoulder or shin the next month. This is no longer a coincidence, but a problem whose causes must be discovered.
  • Sometimes the problem lies in the stomach overproduction of acid. This prevents the proper absorption of important minerals, such as calcium and magnesium.
  • Another essential aspect has to do with vitamin k, which is produced by the intestine.

If the latter is not in excellent condition and does not work properly, we could suffer the consequences of a deficiency of this vitamin,  essential for maintaining strong and healthy bones.

2. When anxiety and fatigue assail us

Symptoms of a bowel problem

When the human microbiota or the intestinal bacterial flora are altered, this imbalance first of all affects our mood.

This is due to the presence of a nerve that connects the brain and intestine and the fact that the signal circulates in both directions between the two organs.

If we consume an excess of saturated fats, they attack the microbial flora, triggering specific emotional symptoms.

To avoid this problem, it is necessary to correct the diet and establish healthier eating habits to avoid any problems with the intestines:

  • Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Take kefir: a wonderful food to take care of the bacterial flora.

3. Skin itching and bowel problems: an unsuspected link

It is a rather curious symptom and difficult to relate to the intestine. When itching appears, in fact, we are more likely to immediately think of an allergic reaction rather than a gastric disorder.

  • If our problem, for example, is leaky gut, food particles that we don’t digest adequately enter the bloodstream.
  • In this case, therefore, the excess waste ends up poisoning the organism.   The immune system reacts to this condition in an exaggerated way: with itching, inflammation, swelling …

If we notice these symptoms, it will be advisable to consult our family doctor immediately.

4. Brittle nails

The health of the nails

Having brittle nails that break easily can be a clear sign of poor absorption of the nutrients that make up our diet.

We often hear that “we are what we eat”. We prefer to emphasize, rather, that “we are what our intestine absorbs”.

If the intestine does not work well, if the bacterial flora is scarce or in a bad state, the body will not be able to digest and metabolize food properly. It will be impossible to absorb the vitamins and minerals that strengthen the nails and the health of the body in general.

5. Swollen belly

Sometimes it happens to look in the mirror and ask ourselves, in front of a belly that is a little too bulky, why we have gained weight in such a short time.

  • Don’t panic, there is an explanation. Q T his abdominal swelling is not due to the presence of fat, but air  that accumulates in the intestines, clear symptom of a dysfunction of this organ.
  • The root of the problem, despite everything, does not always lie in the intake of foods that contain gas. Often, in fact, it is a reaction due to an allergy or a food intolerance.

We also take into consideration that dairy products, for example, are very often among the most common allergens in our diet.

6. White stools

Beware of feces

The appearance of white stools is not a symptom to be taken lightly and can mean a bowel problem. In the event that we notice that our stools have this color, it is necessary to report it immediately to the doctor.

  • Most likely they are a consequence of irritable bowel syndrome (sometimes more simply called colitis), a phenomenon often accompanied by episodes of diarrhea.
  • Alterations within the bacterial flora and intestinal inflammation can also lead to the appearance of white stools. These  could be linked to a more serious liver problem, which will certainly require more specific treatment.

In conclusion, we can say that these are very specific symptoms that we would hardly have related to the functioning of the intestine and that, instead, could have a lot to do with this fundamental organ.

Obviously, in the face of any doubt, it is always advisable to consult a good professional. Only a doctor can offer us a correct diagnosis and related treatments to follow.

In any case, quoting again the leitmotif of “we are what we eat”, why not take care of us through what we bring to the table?

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