Prevent Tendonitis With 5 Simple Exercises

Even if you do not have tendonitis problems yet, we advise you to perform localized exercises every day to strengthen the different areas and thus avoid the possible appearance of complications.
Prevent Tendonitis With 5 Simple Exercises

Preventing tendonitis is possible, thanks to some targeted exercises to be performed every day. In fact, muscle type injuries are becoming more and more frequent and not only affect sportsmen. Today there is an increase in cases that – due to their work or posture defects – swell the ranks of doctors’ surgeries and physiotherapists.

Tendonitis is inflammation of the tendon, which joins the muscle to the bone. It is generally caused by a bump, physical exertion or prolonged and repetitive movements. It can also be due to a lack of elasticity or wear associated with age.

Preventing tendonitis is essential: the tendon can, in fact, wear out because bad postures are maintained or because the muscle is overloaded.

This can happen, for example, when putting too much strain on the tendon. In this way, the functional capacity of the same is limited and if the tendonitis is not treated in time, more serious complications can be generated.

Some common symptoms

Among the symptoms most often encountered we find:

  • Rigidity.
  • Inflammation.
  • Loss of strength.
  • Ache.
  • Sensitivity in the affected area, almost always near the joint.

To promote the proper functioning of the joints, it is advisable to maintain a healthy daily  routine such as:

  • Exercise at least half an hour a day.
  • Do stretching that strengthens the muscles.
  • Avoid maintaining the same posture for very long periods of time.

Other practical tips to prevent tendonitis

In case of tendonitis, some practices are usually recommended that vary according to the severity of the condition. There are, therefore, treatments for mild, moderate and severe injuries.

  • In the first case, rest and relaxation will be sufficient to provide for a decrease in physical activity.
  • For moderate injuries it is convenient, in addition to what was previously recommended, to immobilize the area and consult a specialist. He will indicate the most convenient procedure depending on the diagnosis.
  • For more serious injuries, if you don’t get results with the advice and medications prescribed by your doctor, you may need to have surgery.

It is therefore clear how important it is to  strengthen and keep the muscles of the body flexible to prevent tendonitis.

It is also advisable to always warm up before practicing any sport and avoid overloading the tendons with repetitive and high-intensity movements.

The exercises we recommend below can be of great help.

Exercises recommended to prevent tendonitis

Exercise 1

Exercise to prevent tendonitis

To prevent tendonitis in the leg muscles, do this exercise.

  • With feet together, stand on tiptoe.
  • Maintain the position for 5 seconds and then lower yourself little by little until you return to the starting position.
  • Repeat this exercise 10 times.

Exercise 2

Thanks to this exercise, you will be able to strengthen the tendons of the ankles.

  • Remain still, with your legs slightly bent.
  • Then, put one of the two feet 20 cm behind the other (as if you were about to take a step).
  • Lean forward until you feel the muscle and its tendon stretch.
  • Hold the position for 20 seconds and then return to the starting position.
  • Perform 3 repetitions.

Exercise 3 to prevent tendonitis

Shoulder tendonitis
  • Place your hands on a wall at shoulder height.
  • Maintain a distance that allows you to lean in by bending your elbows, simulating push-ups.
  • Stay in this position for 20 seconds and then extend your arms.
  • Perform 5 repetitions.

Exercise 4

  • Standing, with your arms relaxed along your body, begin shaking your hands from side to side for about 10 seconds.
  • Rest for 15 seconds and repeat the exercise.
  • Perform circuits of 15 repetitions.

Exercise 5 to prevent tendonitis

Exercise for wrists
  • With the arm extended forward, hold the hand with the palm upwards while with the other hand slowly extend the fingers backwards, in the direction of the elbow.
  • Stretch until you feel the inside of your wrist stretch and stay in this position for 10 seconds.
  • Repeat the exercise 5 times.

It is recommended to perform these exercises every day to prevent tendonitis. In addition to helping us to calm the discomfort in the affected area, it will help us to improve our elasticity and to make the muscles and tendons that we do not usually exercise due to lack of time or habit.

Ignoring the problem, muscles may atrophy and wear out over the years. In addition, it is advisable to maintain a healthy life, in which stress is limited and to avoid maintaining postures that can damage the tendons and joints.

Doing moderate physical activity, as well as going out and taking a long walk, are useful habits to safeguard our well-being and prevent tendonitis.

Remember that prevention is the healthiest way to stay away from illness and pain.

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