4 Natural Remedies Against Age Spots

To prevent or treat age spots, diet and skin care are two key factors 
4 natural remedies for age spots

Over time, the skin changes hue and age spots appear especially on the face or hands. However, there are several natural remedies for age spots , so we will discuss four of them in this article.

Age spots: a sign of aging

The changes affecting the body as the years go by are undeniable. Among these we remember, for example, solar freckles, also known as “age spots”.

It is one of the most common signs of aging, but it manifests itself early, as early as 40 years of age. These spots are larger than normal freckles, flat and dark in color. They mainly develop:

  • On the back of the hands
  • On the forehead
  • On the arms
  • On the face
  • On the upper chest.

They do not imply serious consequences for health, but many prefer to prevent their appearance or eliminate those already existing for an aesthetic reason.

The main cause of these spots is sun exposure. Although we need sunlight to produce vitamin D, certainly excessive and unprotected exposure can damage the skin.

Spending many hours outdoors, especially in summer, risks damaging the superficial layers of the skin and accelerating the degenerative process.

Another trigger of skin spots are photosensitizing substances (present, for example, in some perfumes), which trigger an allergic reaction in contact with sunlight. In addition, there are people who are more likely to develop spots due to genetic factors.

How to prevent age-related spots?

age spots on the face

Many women (but also some men) worry about spots on the skin of the face or hands when they have already appeared. However, prevention is very important in this case. Already from 30 or 35 years of age, it is recommended to change some habits to reduce the appearance of these brown marks considered unsightly :

1. Don’t expose yourself too much to the sun

It is very important to protect yourself from UV rays to avoid skin problems. When the sun is at its most intense (for example at noon, in summer), it can damage the skin causing minor sunburns which then turn into spots.

2. Use sunscreen

On hot and sunny days it is recommended to apply a cream with a protection factor of at least 30. Sun products specific for children, therefore with a very high protection, can be of great help in case of very fair and sensitive skin.

3. Use appropriate clothing

In addition to not going out during the hottest hours, therefore between 11 and 15 in summer, it is advisable to wear clothing that covers the whitest areas of the body, for example the back.

4. Eat fruits and vegetables

healthy diet

Nutrition is essential for staying healthy inside and out. We advise you to consume many natural fruit juices, salads, soups and any other recipe you can think of, as long as it is based on raw and seasonal vegetables.

Natural remedies to reduce skin blemishes

If you have noticed the presence of small spots on the skin due to sun exposure or due to the passing years, do not be discouraged. There are several natural remedies to use:

1. Chickpea mask

It is easy to prepare and the ingredients are available in any supermarket. We advise you to use canned chickpeas to avoid having to cook them for hours.


  • ½ cup of cooked chickpeas (150 g)
  • ¼ cup of water (62 ml)


  • Put the chickpeas in a bowl after washing them.
  • Pour some water while mashing the chickpeas with a mortar.
  • When you have obtained a uniform paste, apply it on the spots of the skin (make sure you have cleansed and dried the area in question).
  • Let it dry for 20 minutes.
  • Do not rinse: let the now dry mask fall off by itself.
  • Repeat the treatment every evening.

2. Lemon juice

The citric acid of lemon penetrates into the skin layers and eliminates blemishes. This remedy should be used in the evening to avoid the opposite effect: the lemon in contact with the sun stains the skin.

It is perfect for treating the first blemishes on the skin.

  • Just cut a lemon in half and rub it on the skin after moistening it.
  • After a few minutes, you have to rinse with warm water.
  • If you don’t have lemons available, you can try red onion which guarantees the same results.

3. Dandelion


This plant is very effective in eliminating age spots. Make sure you always have it available at home. The treatment is very simple:

  • Open a dandelion stem vertically to extract the liquid inside.
  • Rub it on the spots three times a day. Do not rinse.
  • You can do the same thing with aloe vera gel (another plant that should definitely not be missing in the home).

4. Apple cider vinegar

For sure you will have this wonderful ingredient in the kitchen. It has similar effects to lemon, due to the acid principle. If you mix it with your usual moisturizer (2 parts cream and 1 part vinegar), you will get an incredibly effective remedy for eliminating age spots.

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