Hyperphagia: Symptoms And Causes Of Excessive Appetite

Hyperphagia is also associated with overweight and obesity problems, which can lead to cardiovascular disease or diabetes.
Hyperphagia: Symptoms and Causes of Excessive Appetite

Hyperphagia comes from the Greek, where hyper means “excess” and phage “to eat”. It is a disorder in which the desire to eat is much stronger than normal. Food intake is also out of control.

Usually the feeling of appetite is the normal need to eat when the body requires it. In the case of people suffering from hyperphagia, however, this need is so uncontrollable that they ingest huge quantities of food.

This pathology is often accompanied by other health complications. In this article we explain what hyperphagia is and what its main causes are.

What does hyperphagia consist of?

Appetite is a physiological need that drives us to feed ourselves when the body requires it. We speak of hyperphagia when this need increases disproportionately. In other words, food intake becomes uncontrollable.

The person with hyperphagia tends to eat large quantities of foods in one meal. Unfortunately, these are often foods that are not healthy or nutritious.

Hyperphagia and unstoppable appetite for unhealthy foods.

What are the symptoms?

The main symptom is an impulsive urge to eat . This need appears at any time, even at night. The result is that the person eats continuously, even outside of meals.

In addition to this, it tends to swallow food without chewing it and prefers fatty or sugary foods. Hyperphagia, however, is accompanied by other symptoms as well.

People with this disorder often feel ashamed of their inability to control themselves and also feel a strong sense of guilt. It is rarely associated with induced vomiting or laxative intake, the main difference with bulimia.

Consequently, depending on the cause, this increased appetite can lead to overweight and obesity. Obviously, this affects one’s self-esteem and the sense of insecurity is much higher. Depression, therefore, can also be considered a symptom of this pathology.

Other serious diseases such as hypertension and diabetes can also result from this condition . Hyperphagia is linked to an increase in cholesterol and triglycerides which, as we all know, are harmful to our cardiovascular health.

Eating fast and a lot, among other things, can also cause digestive upset. Digestion becomes more difficult, some nutrients are not absorbed properly and the risk of dehydration increases.

Obese boy with hyperphagia.

What are the causes of hyperphagia?

In most cases, hyperphagia is linked to a psychological disorder. The main causes are low self-esteem, fear or inability to relate properly to others. This disorder, in fact, is often a consequence of the anxiety produced by these situations.

In fact, it can also be linked to a specific problem. For example, it can occur in some women during PMS or affect people with thyroid disease or diabetes. Other possible causes include:

  • Bulimia.
  • Gestational diabetes.
  • Some medications, such as antidepressants.
  • Hypoglycemia.

All of these factors alter the levels of leptin, the hormone responsible for the sensation of appetite. The result is that it is not possible to distinguish between the feeling of hunger and that of satiety.

How to counteract hyperphagia?

It is advisable to consult a doctor to find out the possible causes of the disorder. In case it is the side effect of some medications, a new dosage will be prescribed or the treatment will be replaced.

Conversely, when it is due to anxiety or depression, the ideal is to start an adequate psychological treatment, even if possible metabolic causes must be ruled out first. To this end, several complementary examinations are performed.

First, the blood and urine tests. The health of the thyroid gland should also be evaluated to rule out a possible condition such as hyperthyroidism.

In conclusion

Hyperphagia is a condition that can have many causes, from a thyroid disease to a psychological disorder. Not only does it cause an overweight problem, it can trigger serious illnesses, such as diabetes or hypertension.

It is therefore essential to consult your doctor in order to undergo the relevant tests. Finding the cause and establishing adequate treatment is essential to prevent the problem from getting worse.

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