5 Exercises To Manage Anxiety

In order to manage anxiety, you must first learn to recognize it. When you notice the first symptoms, go for a walk to relax
5 exercises to manage anxiety

Anxiety is an emotional condition that manifests itself with feelings of restlessness, worry and fear. Those affected by anxiety despair in the face of situations which they cannot control and which generate feelings of danger. Managing anxiety is not an easy task for those who suffer from it constantly.

It may seem like a small thing when viewed from the outside, but anxiety is really a difficult problem to control. This emotional state is no longer considered “normal” when it is out of control and persists for more than six months. In this case, it is considered a real ailment and the help of a specialist is required.

You need to learn how to manage anxiety in order to fully enjoy your life. Today we propose some exercises to get you started.

Symptoms of anxiety

identifying anxiety is quite simple

Identifying anxiety is pretty simple. Most of us do this automatically. However, we list the main symptoms in case you have any doubts:

  • Chest pain and palpitations
  • Nausea and dizziness
  • Nausea and stomach pain
  • Excessive sweating, hot flashes or chills
  • Feeling of asphyxiation and tremors
  • Tingling or numbness
  • Feeling of loss of control and being crazy
  • Fear (in general of everything, but especially of death).

Although anxiety is an emotional state that is difficult to control, it can be treated even when it does not occur regularly and has not been diagnosed as a disorder.

1. Breathing to manage anxiety

Try to find a time of day when you have no activities or things to do. During this time, make sure you are not distracted and try not to be in a hurry to finish. It is important to take the time to relax.

  • Make yourself as comfortable as possible, lying down or sitting down.
  • Once you have found the position you prefer, close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
  • Pay attention to the air coming in and out slowly.
  • As the minutes pass, breathe slowly and bring the air to the lower part of the lungs. Slowly, inhale through your nose, hold the air for a few seconds and then exhale gradually.

Keep repeating the exercise for several minutes. This exercise will help you stay in control, but it will also allow you to manage the anxiety you suddenly develop.

2. Walk

walking is the easiest way to manage anxiety

Walking is the easiest way to manage anxiety. There is no need to go to the gym, wear special clothing or hire a personal trainer. This is a complete exercise, and if you do it in the morning, its effects will last all day. Set aside some time throughout the day to go out for a walk, especially when you’re feeling anxious.

3. Run

Another easy exercise for managing anxiety is running. This sport will help you lose weight and burn calories, as well as increase the release of serotonin. Serotonin helps improve mood and mental health. If you start running regularly, you will find that this sport also improves the quality of your rest and increases the hours of sleep.

4. Dance

dancing helps the body release endorphins

Dancing helps the body release endorphins. It’s a wonderful activity because it helps manage anxiety and stress while improving cardiovascular health.

  • The only thing you need to do is put on some music and start moving around a bit. As time passes, you will feel more comfortable and find the rhythm.
  • Even if you don’t dance often, don’t rule it out as an exercise because, to manage anxiety, you also need to learn to have new experiences. Try it!

5. Learn to forget about worries

This is not a real exercise, but it is an important tip for learning how to manage anxiety. You have to learn to deal with situations without them taking over your life.

Realize that most of the problems that worry you are less serious than you think and can take control of your life even when they are not real. Your mind is very powerful and can focus on impossible situations just because you attach importance to it.

Accept that there is no point in getting anxious about unreal worries. If you can’t let go of anxious thinking, then try to distract yourself in a meaningful way : engage in a busy activity or talk to someone.

What to do in case of an anxiety attack

If you have an anxiety attack, you probably don’t know what to do or how to react. In this case, remember to

  • Identify why you are having a panic or anxiety attack.
  • Find a way out of this situation, perhaps through breathing or doing physical activity.

It may seem very difficult, but little by little you will be able to regain control and it will take less and less time.

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