Chronic Constipation: When Should You Worry?

Chronic constipation: when should you worry?

Constipation is a very common problem that we need to treat and prevent. It is unhealthy and, if it becomes chronic, it can be really dangerous. For what reason? Because chronic constipation can cause other ailments or problems that would worsen our health conditions.

Below we give you all the useful information on chronic constipation  and how to prevent this condition.

Constipation: a frequent problem

Suffering from constipation

Who hasn’t experienced constipation? Almost everyone has had this problem at one time or even very often in life. Days or even weeks without being able to go to the bathroom normally.

Being able to evacuate effortlessly and regularly is not such a predictable ability, which is why in recent years the pharmaceutical industry has created new drugs and products to solve this problem.

Do you also have constipation problems and are forced to resort to drugs to be able to “go to the bathroom”? Sometimes there are no alternatives, it is true, but in general, drugs are not recommended. The ideal is to change your eating and lifestyle habits in order to gradually regulate the body.

A sedentary lifestyle, lack of fiber, improper nutrition and drinking little fluids are the main factors in the onset of constipation. But beware, it is mainly women who suffer from this problem because their body is more likely to develop this problem.

It should also be added that the evacuation process varies from person to person. We don’t all digest food the same way, for some of us it’s more difficult than others. On average, you should have a bowel movement once a day under normal conditions, i.e. without pain or effort. But as we all know, this is not always the case.

What are the symptoms of constipation?

Woman with constipation
  • Evacuate three times a week or less.
  • Sometimes the stool is either very liquid or very solid.
  • Before evacuating, you need to exert yourself for at least 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Bloating and intestinal gas and a very swollen abdomen.
  • Headache.
  • If these conditions last for 3 months, it is referred to as chronic constipation.

There are some natural laxatives in nature that can help fight the symptoms of constipation.

Chronic constipation


We speak of chronic constipation when the body is unable to excrete all waste substances, and therefore becomes ill. The intestine is affected and the toxins will be so numerous that we will not be able to properly assimilate the nutrients of food. It is a risk not to take.

Suffering from constipation once a month or every two months can also be normal. However, if this habit becomes chronic, then pay attention to the various symptoms and consult your doctor when:

  • You experience very strong intestinal cramps and have a hard time going to the bathroom, even throwing up.
  • Almost seven days go by without you being able to go to the bathroom, even after taking specific medications.
  • Notice the presence of blood in the stool.
  • Alternate periods of constipation with periods of diarrhea.
  • The stools are very thin.
  • You lose weight for no apparent reason. Don’t neglect this aspect.
  • You suffer from hemorrhoids. Continued efforts to evacuate can damage the intestines.

If you notice any abnormalities in the anal region, such as traces of blood, see your doctor right away. Importantly, don’t underestimate chronic constipation.

Simple rules to prevent constipation

Aloe vera constipation

1. Move a little more. How about going out for a half hour walk every day? Movement stimulates intestinal transit and activates the body. It costs you nothing and is good for your health.

2. Drink aloe vera juice with lemon or kiwi in the morning. A simple and effective habit. Dissolve a tablespoon of aloe vera gel in a glass of warm water and add the juice of half a lemon. Alternatively, you can add aloe vera to the smoothie of two kiwis. It’s delicious!

3. A cup of papaya, walnuts and Greek yogurt. It can be a great breakfast. It is a source of fiber, vitamins and bacteria that are good for intestinal health.

4. Oats with plums. Another healthy and delicious breakfast option.

5. Brown rice. Perfect for lunch. Like black rice or red rice, it has an excellent purifying action, is rich in fiber and antioxidants.

6. Lots of liquids. Water or natural juices are perfect for keeping the body hydrated throughout the day, promoting bowel movement and purification. You need to drink at least two liters of fluids a day.

7. Eat little several times a day. Never skip meals, especially breakfast which is the most important meal of the day. It is necessary to maintain correct eating habits in order to regularize the body. Don’t overdo the portions of food either, especially at dinner. A light, varied and balanced dinner will allow you to fight the symptoms of constipation.

8. Yes to fruit and vegetables. You can prepare salads and natural juices by combining different fruits and vegetables. Do you want some recipes? Take note: beet, melon and lime juice; carrot, pineapple, watermelon and ginger smoothie; drink made from watermelon, tomato and basil. What are you waiting for to try them?

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