How To Fight Heartburn

How to fight heartburn

In this article we would like to offer you some tips on how to fight heartburn with natural remedies. Read on, you might benefit too!

Heartburn or acidity is a sensation that develops from the lower chest and can extend to the throat.

In general, it occurs when gastric juices flow up the esophagus because the esophagus has not closed completely or there has been some pressure in the stomach that has caused acid to rise up into the esophagus.

Our stomach is predisposed to withstand acidic pH. On the contrary, the esophagus does not have this capacity and because of this it produces the annoying sensation we commonly know as reflux.

What are the causes of heartburn?

As we have already anticipated, one of the causes may be pressure in the stomach, perhaps due to clothing that is too tight such as belts or to pregnancy or obesity, among many others. However, among other triggers we mention:

  • Ingesting too much food or alcohol.
  • Staying on an empty stomach for a long time.
  • Skip breakfast or one of the main meals.
  • Eat fatty, acidic, or heavily flavored foods.
  • Take certain medications.

What are the symptoms of heartburn?

When a person suffers from acidity or heartburn, they may experience the following symptoms:

  • Burning sensation in the stomach
  • Nausea
  • He retched
  • You continue stomach cramps
  • Difficulty swallowing

Natural remedies to combat heartburn

One of the best ways to combat stomach acid is to use natural remedies. Many of these remedies are also a form of prevention against this problem.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera to combat heartburn

Aloe vera is known around the world for its calming properties and for alleviating irritation or burns. Likewise, it is very effective in treating heartburn.

In this case, we recommend that you drink a quarter or half glass of aloe vera juice 20 minutes before meals.

Baking soda

Baking soda is one of the natural products par excellence for fighting stomach acid. It is one of the best known antacids which, in addition to fighting the sensation of acidity, is also effective in regulating the pH of our body.

The ideal is to consume a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in a glass of water. This remedy is not recommended for people suffering from hypertension or water retention.



Ginger root is an age-old remedy for fighting heartburn. Its properties are effective in relieving symptoms such as nausea or inflammation.

You can make an infusion or add grated ginger to salads, smoothies or other preparations.

Apple cider vinegar

By ingesting small amounts of apple cider vinegar you can control the pH of the stomach to prevent or fight acidity.

In this case, we recommend that you consume two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in ΒΌ cup of water, 30 minutes after eating.

It is very important to dilute this product in water, otherwise it may have unwanted effects.


Papaya benefits

Papaya is considered to be one of the best natural remedies for preventing and fighting heartburn. Thanks to its properties, papaya stimulates digestion and helps prevent heartburn symptoms.

We recommend that you drink a glass of papaya juice half an hour before meals.


Chamomile helps promote digestion and reduces the risk of reflux and heartburn by neutralizing the acidic pH of the stomach.

We recommend that you prepare a chamomile tea by adding a handful of chamomile flowers to a cup of boiling water. Let the infusion rest for 3 minutes and drink it before meals.

Tips to combat heartburn

  • Avoid exercising immediately after meals.
  • Don’t bend over frequently right after eating.
  • Avoid taking a nap after meals as it could cause pressure in the stomach and consequently trigger the burning sensation.
  • Consume small portions of food several times a day. Eating in large quantities could overload your stomach.
  • Do not wear too tight clothing during meals.
  • Avoid or treat obesity, it is a disorder that generates abdominal pressure and consequently food could go up to the esophagus.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Sleep with your upper body slightly raised.
  • Chew your food properly and eat slowly.
  • Avoid drinking with meals.

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