Feeling Alone: ​​common Situations And How To Overcome It

Being alone and feeling alone are not synonymous; and even if we sometimes confuse the two terms, we often feel alone and believe we are when in reality it is not so

On certain occasions it is easy to feel alone because they are conditioned by general opinion. Because if we look around us and analyze the situation well, we realize that the reality is quite different.

Feeling alone generates a great emptiness that takes possession of us. We are afraid of not having anyone by our side. This causes us to behave in a way that, instead of helping us resolve the situation, makes it worse. Today we reveal 4 situations in which this unpleasant feeling often occurs.  

Feeling alone: ​​4 common situations

1. You don’t have a partner

Not having a partner seems to be unacceptable to the society we live in. It is a situation that pushes others to continually insist on letting us go out more, to heal ourselves more… in short, to do everything to not remain single.

But… what if we don’t really want to have a partner? Is it a must to feel alone for this reason? 

If this happens to you, phrases like “Without a partner I am nobody”, “I missed the love train” or “I will be alone for the rest of my days” probably resonate within you, all the result of mistaken beliefs.

Feeling lonely because you don’t have a partner  condemns you to depend on another person to be happy. But you have to learn to feel good and feel at peace with yourself even without anyone by your side. Our happiness, in fact, does not depend on others.

2. Don’t follow in the footsteps of others

This aspect is closely related to the previous concept, in fact deciding to stay single is a contrary decision, especially when the rest of our friends are happily engaged or married, and this can make us feel alone. In reality, we do not feel loneliness, but rather misunderstanding and lack of support.

Often, therefore, not doing what others do leads to feeling alone. However, that’s not true. Self-confidence, as well as self-esteem and security, will be the indispensable weapons to feel good.

Our life is a story yet to be written. It doesn’t matter if we were born in a society where most people act and live according to a set pattern. We must live the life we ​​want, the one that makes us happy, even if it does not meet the standards of others.

3. Friends who get engaged disappear

What happens when one of our friends starts dating someone? The norm is that he begins to show less and less and distances himself from friends. As long as he is in a relationship, he hardly finds time to see friends. This is a more widespread situation than we would like.

To manage this sort of “abandonment”, especially if we don’t have many friends, we have to continue doing what we did with them, but… without them! We can go for a coffee alone, go to the cinema alone, etc… There is no reason to feel alone. We are in good company: ourselves.

Many times society conditions us to carry out certain activities with other people. Despite everything, we can also have fun alone, with no other company than ours. This will also allow us to get to know each other better and learn to enjoy life without depending on others.

4. Shortcomings

When we feel alone for some of the above reasons, we are very likely to seek the company of others to make up for these shortcomings. If, for example, our parents have not given us affection, we will miss that love and that attention.

As adults, we will have a need for affection which we will try to supply by being with someone who can give it to us. Unfortunately, however, when these people leave us, we will return to feel alone as before. So it doesn’t work.

When we feel alone because we are looking for someone who can fill the gaps that we are unable to fill, it is important to work deeply on self-esteem.

It is necessary to turn to a specialist who helps to overcome the problem and teaches to be self-sufficient, learning to give oneself the love and affection that has been lacking in the past. Only in this way will it no longer be sought in others.

Changing mentality in order not to feel alone is a long and laborious process, but it is also the only path to take if we really want to be happy and free.

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