8 Reasons To Eat Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and strengthen the immune system, they also help us fight arthritis and inflammatory processes 
8 reasons to eat pumpkin seeds

When you cook pumpkin, do you usually throw away the seeds? Next time think twice before considering them useless. Pumpkin seeds have a distinctive flavor and possess many beneficial properties for the body.

Find out in this article why you should eat pumpkin seeds .

Why eat pumpkin seeds

1. Arthritis treatment 

Pumpkin seeds  reduce inflammation caused by arthritis and protect bones. Unlike medicines, these seeds have no side effects caused by the chemicals present in the former. The riper the seeds, the greater their benefits.

2. They take care of the prostate 

doctor and patient

Pumpkin seeds help keep this important organ healthy.

Thanks to the oils they contain, these seeds can play an important role in controlling inflammation of the prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia) .

The oil of these seeds in particular, together with the American dwarf palm, can have almost “miraculous” effects. It is the high amounts of zinc present in the seeds that produce these effects.

3. They induce a more rejuvenating sleep

Pumpkin seeds are a great source of tryptophan which, in the long run, turns into melatonin, the famous sleep hormone.

Eating this type of seeds before going to bed, accompanied by light carbohydrates, such as a small fruit, will help you get a peaceful sleep.

4. They offer plant-based fats

oil and spoon

Pumpkin seeds  are one of the best sources of omega 3 of plant origin ,  of great importance for the body.

However, even if you want to get large amounts of omega 3s, remember to regulate your intake of these seeds. The ideal is not to exceed 20 grams per day.

5. Pumpkin seeds strengthen the immune system 

Thanks to the high quantities of zinc, they are considered among the most useful for the body. Much of the world’s population is deficient in zinc, as the cultivation soils become increasingly scarce of this mineral.

This deficit harms the immune system, causing growth retardation and hair loss. For this reason, it is recommended to eat pumpkin seeds every so often.

6. Great for menopausal women 

the seeds of the pumpkin

The oil from these seeds is a natural phytoestrogen  that can help control the most common symptoms of menopause:

  • Reduction of blood pressure
  • Flushes
  • Headaches
  • Joint pain

For this reason, they are suitable for women who have already reached this natural stage of life.

7. Pumpkin seeds help treat diabetes

Like nuts and other similar fruits and seeds, the carbohydrates in these seeds are complex. This means they keep glucose levels stable and fill us up more. They also curb the corrosive stress caused by the busy lives of these times.

Before going to bed, we recommend a light reading accompanied by some pumpkin seeds to be eaten slowly along with a few almonds.

8. They stimulate the cardiovascular system

woman with heart in hand

One of the unique organic compounds in pumpkin seeds are phytosterols. They prevent the formation of blood clots, thus reducing the risk of heart attacks and cerebrovascular accidents.

The high levels of copper provided by these seeds also promote the production of red blood cells in the body and improve the passage of oxygen to the blood through the blood vessels.

How to eat pumpkin seeds 

The ideal is to eat them raw, as cooking them lose some of their properties. Some prefer to eat them crunchy, fresh from the oven, while others accompany them with lean meats.

However, if you want an original and exquisite recipe, try this one:

  • Take a good quantity of seeds, preferably white, without many spots, completely devoid of pumpkin pulp.
  • Boil them for 2 minutes over high heat.
  • Put them in the oven, with plenty of Chinese sweet and sour sauce or teriyaki.

With this recipe, the seeds will absorb all the flavor of the sauce and be delicious. They will have a reddish or black color and you can serve them during family gatherings along with a little melon with ham, olives, etc.

These seeds are light on the stomach, facilitate digestion, suit all tastes and are really easy to prepare. In addition, they have few downsides, but the main one is their high fat content. Eaten in excess can cause overweight problems. 

You have to be careful, because they are so tasty that you can no longer stop eating them.

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