Chest Pain: How To Behave

Chest pains can be due to various causes. However, it is essential to go to a specialist to get an early diagnosis and not to take any risks.
Chest pain: how to behave

It can happen sometimes to feel a sudden pain in the chest and, even if it is usually a breathing problem due to lack of air, when they are too frequent it is good to consult a specialist.

They could, in fact, be a symptom of much more complex problems that require immediate treatment. So find out about the different causes of chest pain and what to do when it occurs.

Distinguish chest pains

If the pain you are feeling is severe and moreover it spreads to your back, it is a bad sign: it could indicate the rupture of the walls of some vein and it is possible that you need urgent surgery.

In this case, especially those suffering from high blood pressure must be careful, since these people have a much higher risk of suffering from this type of complication.

If, on the other hand, you only feel a few twinges in the chest area and the pain increases when you change position or breathe deeply, it is a muscle problem.

To resolve the disorder you can take anti-inflammatories or muscle relaxants, which will make the discomfort vanish in no time.

If the pain is widespread and you feel better when you lean forward, it could be pericarditis. This disorder is usually accompanied by fever, nasal congestion, and pain throughout the body. It is important to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Types of chest pain

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Stinging in the chest

In almost all cases, this pain is caused by excessive exertion or intense exercise, which has caused one or more muscles to become inflamed.

When this happens, the pain becomes more intense when you change position or take a deep breath, and lessens with the intake of anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxants.

Burning in the chest

This type of problem is the most common and is the main reason people go to the doctor, as the pain is often very intense. It is a gastric problem, which causes acidity and reflux.

These annoying symptoms usually occur just half an hour after consuming certain foods that can trigger the problem, such as very acidic juices or overly flavored or fatty foods.


Whatever the reason for chest pains, it is very important to pay due attention to them. Do not wait for symptoms to get worse to see a doctor: remember that prevention and early diagnosis are the secret to living healthier.

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