Reducing The Double Chin: 4 Tricks To Do It

You must practice physical activity daily to strengthen the muscles in the area and to regain tone. Hydration, both external and internal, is also very important.
Reduce double chin: 4 tricks to do it

Raise your hand if you don’t want to reduce your double chin. That unsightly accumulation of fat under the chin that, at times, adds a few years of age compared to what we have.

It is known that eliminating it is difficult and that many women resort to cosmetic surgery. However, we assure you that through simple measures it is possible to reduce the double chin. Keep reading the article, we will explain how!

Simple steps to reduce double chin

Why does this unsightly double chin form? Practically, the formation is due to a relaxation of the muscle located under the chin which, over the years, loses tone.

Nutrition, lack of hydration and loss of definition and tone cause it to drop, thus changing the balance of the face. However, with a little effort and easy-to-follow techniques, it is possible to reduce a double chin. And to do this, there are several remedies. Let’s see what they are.

1. Internal treatment

Beetroot helps reduce double chin by decreasing water retention

Inner health is reflected on outer health. This is why it is essential to follow a diet that allows the body to eliminate toxins, to always be hydrated and to benefit from the remarkable nourishing properties of vitamins and mineral salts.

A healthy and balanced diet, in fact, helps to have a toned and elastic skin. Here are some natural juices and smoothies that can help you. Take notes!

  • Apple and beetroot juice : tasty, refreshing and nutritious, it is an exceptional drink to eliminate toxins and to avoid water retention. You can drink it before meals to promote better digestion of food, to obtain a satiating effect and to take care of the skin. It is a very suitable detoxifier in these cases.
  • Melon juice : it is one of the most suitable fruits. The melon is ideal for recovering the tone of the skin avoiding the accumulation of fat. To benefit from it every morning it would be adequate to drink a smoothie made from a slice of melon and a glass of water. It is very pleasant and healthy.
  • Lemon and mint juice : it is a fantastic antioxidant, purifying and revitalizing. Lemon juice provides the ideal dose of antioxidants with which to counteract free radicals. In addition, its purifying effect avoids the accumulation of liquids and allows the elimination of toxins and, moreover, when mixed with the “magic” of mint it becomes a revitalizing drink for the skin.

2. Vitamin E to give elasticity and tone

Vitamin E gives the skin elasticity and thus helps to reduce the double chin

It would be advisable to increase the quantities of vitamin E, an essential substance to improve the tone and elasticity of the skin.

One way to do this is by eating lots of green leafy salads, as well as brown rice, wheat germ oil, rye, legumes, nuts, apples …

If you are particularly interested in increasing your vitamin B amounts in a healthy and intensive way, talk to your doctor about a prescription for vitamin supplements.

3. Facial masks and massages

Facial massages help reduce double chin

One type of double chin massage suitable for restoring tone is with wheat germ oil. Contains a large amount of vitamin E, ideal for moisturizing, toning and smoothing the skin of this area.

Run it around the chin area every day and gradually you will see results. Sometimes the simpler remedies are better than the more expensive creams.

Before going to bed, take some wheat germ oil with cotton wool and gently massage in upward strokes from the lower neck to the chin for 10-15 minutes. Easy, right?

4. Adequate exercises to tone the double chin

Specific exercises help to reduce the double muscle, giving elasticity to the skin

Even these simple exercises will help you reduce the double chin and have a younger and more toned neck.

Remember that in this area of ​​the body the skin adheres to the muscle, therefore, if you tone and firm the muscle, the skin will also tone up. The important thing is to be constant. We explain how.

  • What you have to do in this first exercise is very unique: with your tongue draw clockwise circles on the upper palate. Keep your back straight and your mouth closed. With this exercise, move the double chin area. Do it ten consecutive times three times a day.
  • Another very suitable exercise is that of the vowels. It is very funny, you will see. Pronounce all the vowels with your mouth wide open and very expressively. There is no need to do this out loud, just form the word in your mouth and repeat ten times. It is perfect for activating the neck muscles.
  • The following exercise should be done with the back straight and with the arms crossed. It is very easy. You have to stretch your neck forward and slowly turn your head to the right. Above all, try to hold the position for five seconds. Then return to the starting position and repeat the same process on the left. This will work the neck muscles and at the same time decrease muscle tension. Repeat the exercise ten times on each side.
  • Smile gymnastics is also very appropriate. You have surely heard of it and it is based only on smiling backwards, trying to stretch the muscles of the neck as much as possible. It’s perfect if you repeat it ten times. Be consistent.

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