Fragile Bones And Joints: Here Is The Right Diet

Fizzy drinks and industrial, high-fat foods stimulate the loss of calcium in bones and teeth.
Brittle bones and joints: this is the right diet

Are you full of pain at the end of the day? Do your knees hurt when you go up the stairs? Do the pains become more intense in the cold or in the evening? Then you already know what your problem is, the same one that affects 20% of the population: arthritis, joint wear, osteoporosis. In other words: fragile bones and joints.

What can you do? First, realize the problem. Joint disorders do not go away easily. You have to change some of your habits and be consistent in following the rules that we illustrate in this article.

With these simple tips and proper medical treatment, you will greatly improve your quality of life.

1. What is the best diet to improve the condition of fragile bones and joints?

To improve the condition of fragile bones and joints, you must follow two rules above all.

A purifying diet :

You will begin your home treatment by eliminating all toxins that damage your cells, inflame the tissues and weaken the body’s systems until they age. This accumulation of harmful substances weakens, for example, the cartilages and causes bone loss.

Fizzy drinks or high-fat foods are known to lead to a lack of calcium, an essential mineral that fortifies bones or teeth. The first step, therefore, is to start a balanced purifying diet.

A restorative diet

What is the purpose of a restorative diet? To obtain the nutrients, the essential enzymes with which to rebuild the cartilage and thus promote cell regeneration. Tissues free from toxins, rich in minerals and vitamins will allow you to have a stronger and more stable articulatory system.

1. Purifying diet for fragile bones and joints

orange juice for dares and joints

It would be ideal to follow this cleansing diet in the morning. It will be based on foods rich in vitamins and minerals, very suitable for starting the day well.

Below we offer you tasty, healthy and above all ideal meals for eliminating toxins, avoiding fluid retention and fighting constipation. Take note:

Proposals for breakfast

  • On an empty stomach, start the day with a glass of warm water and lemon. If you prefer, there is another remedy to purify and optimize the functions of the liver at the same time. What is it about? You have to ingest a tablespoon of olive oil with a few drops of lemon. During the week you can alternate the two remedies.
  • A cup with 15 grapes and two slices of pineapple.
  • A green tea.
  • A boldo tea.
  • A cup of strawberries with kiwi.
  • Peach juice.
  • Almond milk.
  • A cup of oats with a green apple.

You can also try a combination of prickly pear juice and orange juice. It will allow you to obtain numerous nutrients, as well as adequately purify your body.

How should you prepare it? It’s very simple. You need a medium sized prickly pear leaf.

First of all, boil it with 200 ml of water until it is softened. Then squeeze two oranges to get the juice; then, transfer it to the blender together with the prickly pear and the water in which you boiled the latter. Try to get a homogeneous juice.

If the flavor seems too strong, you can for example add a little honey

Proposals for lunch

  • Steamed broccoli.
  • Carrots with brown rice.
  • Baked eggplant.
  • Sandwich with wholemeal bread, avocado, mustard and tomato.
  • Cabbage salad with cucumber, pineapple, spinach and pumpkin seeds.
  • A beetroot and apple juice and an omelette with garlic.
  • Salad of lettuce, pineapple, raw broccoli cut into small pieces, avocado and almonds.

Restorative diet for bones and joints

Gelatin for fragile joints

The restorative diet is ideal for dinner or lunch. The aim is simple: to regenerate cartilage and nourish the body with essential foods that can strengthen fragile bones and joints. We list the foods at the base of the restorative diet:

  • Lentils
  • Baked cod with tomatoes
  • Chickpeas
  • Carrot soup
  • Chicken breast with lemon
  • Gratinated eggs
  • Tomatoes stuffed with turkey meat
  • Wholemeal rye bread with an omelette with garlic or onion
  • Baked salmon with lemon and pepper sauce
  • Sardines
  • Gelatin (gelatin is wonderful for regenerating cartilage).

In conclusion, we want to remind you that it is necessary to improve both nutrition, opting for nourishing and purifying foods, and one’s lifestyle habits.

Avoid, for example, fizzy drinks, industrial and pre-cooked food. Try to drink enough fluids during the day, and increase the consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C.

Physical activity must be moderate. If you have bone or joint pain, sometimes intense exercise may cause more problems than good, so the ideal is to do simple activities. Going out for a morning walk or going to the pool three times a week is therefore the ideal solution in these cases.

Also pay attention to the medications you take to relieve joint pain. Anti-inflammatory drugs usually compromise good liver health, so try to alternate them with natural remedies.

The infusion of ginger is always a valid help and is completely natural. Follow these simple tips and start improving your quality of life starting today.

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