Back Contractures: Here Are Some Natural Remedies

When the contracture suffers from a recurring emotional component, you will have to make an effort to change some behaviors.
Contractures in the back: here are some natural remedies

People suffer more and more from muscle contractures in the back, due to a sedentary lifestyle, the many hours spent in front of the computer or stress, but also emotional issues or organ problems.

In this article we will talk about the significance of back contractures, as well as some very effective therapies and simple natural remedies to prepare at home.

Technically, a contracture is a continuous and involuntary contraction of the muscle or certain muscle fibers. The contracture can be quite extensive, painful and / or prevent proper mobility.

Psychosomatics of back contractures

Contractures are not just a physical issue, they also have an emotional explanation. That is, they correspond to an emotion that has not been externalized and which for this reason “remains inside the body”, instead of manifesting itself outside.

Depending on the area in which they are located, contractures have a different meaning:

  • Small and large rhomboid muscles : anger
  • Trapezius muscle : inability and frustration
  • Cervical area : excess of responsibility
  • Back muscles : fear
  • Lumbar muscles : frustration

If you have a muscle contracture and this is the first time, don’t worry too much about these emotional explanations; if, on the other hand, you repeatedly complain of muscle pain and always in the same area, psychosomatics can help you. In this case you have to change some of your behavior or habits.

The organs

In addition to corresponding to some emotions, contractures can also be caused by inflammation of the organ that is under the muscle in question. In this case, the organs are:

  • Kidneys : upper part of the lower back muscles
  • Liver and gallbladder : upper central part of the right side and right trapezius
  • Stomach : upper central part of the left side and left trapezius
  • Heart : cervical area
  • Lung : left trapezius

Suction cup therapy or cupping therapy

This technique is an ancient therapeutic practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine and consists in the use of a kind of cups or glass cups that create a suction effect to adhere to the body.

They suck out the skin and part of the muscle, thus dilating the pores and improving blood and lymphatic circulation.

This reduces inflammation and relieves pain in 10 to 15 minutes. You can contact an experienced therapist or buy the suction cup set in natural medicine or Chinese medicine centers and do it yourself.

There are suction cups with a special system to adhere to the skin which are the safest and easiest to use. You can also apply some sesame or almond oil and drag the suction cup to massage the affected area.

As you can see, if there is inflammation, the area looks red and dark. It is possible that the signs remain for a few days, but already after a few minutes you will notice improvements.

In addition, the condition of the organ corresponding to that area of ​​the back will also improve.

Suction cup therapy

Sulfur bars

The sulfur bars are yellow cylinders made of this pressed mineral whose use is very simple. Sulfur is a mineral that has the property of absorbing static electricity.

Passing the bar over the affected area, it emits a rattle and then breaks into two or more parts that collapse, losing their effectiveness. If, on the other hand, the bar does not break, you can immerse it for two minutes in cold water and reuse it. This technique is used a lot in South American countries.

Nutrition to relieve back contractures

If you have a muscle contracture then you need to pay close attention to your diet, avoiding foods that can cause inflammation and increasing the consumption of anti-inflammatory foods. Which ones are they?

Foods that reduce inflammation

  • Natural fruit and vegetable juices (carrots, beets, celery …)
  • Red pepper
  • Chia seeds
  • Walnuts
  • Green tea
  • Ginger
  • Pineapple
  • Papaya
  • Broccoli
Papaya in half

Foods that cause inflammation

  • Dairy product
  • White sugar
  • Red meat
  • Refined flours
  • Fried foods

Three ancient remedies

Remedy number 1

  • First apply warm, cold water compresses to the area that hurts you.
  • Then, massage with warm sesame oil.
  • At the same time drink boldo and rosemary infusions, three glasses a day.

Remedy number 2

  • First, boil water with ginger.
  • Then immerse yourself in a towel.
  • Then, put a dry towel on your back first and then the one soaked in ginger water.
  • Finally cover the area with another dry towel and let it rest for five minutes.

Remedy number 3

  • Boil some whole kale leaves for a few moments.
  • Then, let them cool for a few seconds.
  • Finally apply them gently on the skin. You can cover with a cloth or gauze.

Images courtesy of netdoktor and winnie3.

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