Bad Morning Habits That Make You Fat

Waiting too long to have breakfast or not eating the right amounts of food can affect weight gain, as well as make activities more difficult to do during the early hours of the day.
Bad morning habits that make you fat

We all know that a balanced diet and regular physical activity are the most effective way to cope with excess weight and obesity. On the other hand, we do not know that some bad habits are responsible for our weight gain.

In fact,  some people fail to achieve the desired results  and, as the days go by, lose motivation and stop practicing good habits, because they believe they are useless.

However, in addition to adopting these good habits every day, it is necessary to eliminate some bad morning habits that, although they seem harmless, prevent you from losing weight.

Although it is not always easy to identify them, they interfere in the activity of the metabolism  and prevent the generation of optimal energy consumption during the day.

It is therefore essential to identify them and do everything possible so that they become part of our lifestyle.    

We want to share them in detail in the following space for all those who are not aware of them.

Discover them!

1. Bad habits: oversleeping

Sleeping too much between bad habits

While sleeping less than 7 hours is a factor related to weight gain, sleeping too much isn’t healthy either.

A study conducted in 2014 revealed that people who sleep for more than 10 consecutive hours increase their body mass.    

Apparently, sleeping too much increases levels of cortisol, a hormone that, in addition to causing stress, causes you to overeat.

Experts recommend sleeping between 7 and 8 hours a day without interruption in order to enjoy a good quality sleep.

2. Do not expose yourself to the sun’s rays

It might seem nonsense, but everything seems to indicate that sunlight is particularly good for activating the metabolism during the first hours of the day.

A study found that the waves produced by early morning sunlight are great for energizing the body and kicking up the metabolism.   

Sunbathing for 20 to 30 minutes in the morning is enough to enjoy the positive effects it has on body weight.

3. Eating little for breakfast is one of the bad habits

Bad habits

One of the morning habits that most affects weight gain is having a low-nutrient, low-quantity breakfast.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and, although many prefer to skip it, it is essential to provide the body with the energy it needs to work at its best throughout the day. 

In addition, this must provide between 500 and 600 calories, distributed in sources of:

  • Carbohydrates.
  • Proteins.
  • Antioxidants.
  • Healthy fats.
  • Vitamins.
  • Minerals.

4. Waiting too long before breakfast

Waiting too long before having breakfast after waking up affects body weight gain. 

The body needs energy to activate the functions of its main systems and, even if it has reserves, these are significantly reduced during the night.

The stomach also feels empty and, consequently, increases the production of acidic juices, generating inflammation and symptoms of gastritis.

We therefore recommend that you have breakfast no more than one hour after waking up  and, if possible, take a healthy drink such as tea or lukewarm water with lemon.

5. Do everything in a rush

Too busy young man

The many activities that must be carried out from the early hours of the morning make us feel constantly late and, consequently, make us do everything in a hurry.

Although this can help us to complete them in time, if it is a recurring situation, the feeling of anxiety and body weight increase.   

Waking up 20 or 30 minutes earlier is a great way to avoid this.

6. Eat industrial snacks

The snacks we eat in the middle of the morning are ideal for fighting the feeling of hunger that arises every time we burn energy.

The problem is that many prefer to opt for processed foods, as they are ready to eat and are usually very delicious.

Nonetheless, they are rich in calories and added substances  which, instead of reducing appetite, mask it and increase the feeling of anxiety.

After taking them, we feel satisfied for a few minutes, but  due to their high sugar and fat content, shortly afterwards we start feeling hungry again. 

Here are the best healthy alternatives:

  • A handful of dried fruit.
  • A fruit.
  • A tea or a smoothie.
  • A natural yogurt.

As you can see, there are several habits that we practice every day without knowing that they affect body weight gain.

Try to avoid them starting now and replace them with others that are more positive for health and the body.   

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