Detox Diet Of 15 Days To Deflate And Lose Weight

Even though this diet lasts only two weeks, we recommend that you adopt some of these habits for a longer period, in order to get the maximum benefit and improve the health of the body.
15 day detox diet to deflate and lose weight

The change of season is the best time to follow a  detox diet. It is a purifying diet, which will allow you to eliminate toxins from your body, control weight, eliminate excess fluids and also improve your physical appearance.

In our article today we present a simple and effective detox diet to lose weight in a healthy way and, at the same time, fill up with energy and vitality.

Why follow a detox diet?

Once or twice a year it might be useful to follow a detox diet that allows us to eliminate the toxins that accumulate inside the body due to the following factors:

  • An unbalanced diet, rich in refined foods, saturated fats and sugars.
  • Environmental pollution.
  • Smoke.
  • Stress.
  • Medicines.
  • Use of synthetic products on the skin.

What is a detox diet for?

Flat stomach with the detox diet

In order to eliminate the effects that all this has on our body, it may be useful to follow a purifying diet, which can improve our health. The benefits of a detox diet are as follows:

  • Helps to achieve a balanced weight in a healthy way.
  • Eliminates excess fluids from our body, which cause swelling on the abdomen, legs, etc.
  • It reduces the level of inflammation in the organism.  It therefore helps in the prevention of chronic inflammatory diseases.
  • Improves the health of the skin, hair and nails.
  • Promotes digestion and intestinal transit.
  • It increases the immune defenses.
  • It prevents or helps to reduce the typical symptoms of seasonal changes: hair loss, allergies, fatigue, discomfort, etc.
  • Improve our mood.
  • Helps to have a good level of energy and vitality.

Why do you have to follow it for 15 days?

Two weeks is the time the body needs to activate the detoxification mechanisms; which, during the first week, can trigger some annoying symptoms such as headaches, pimples or fatigue. By lasting two weeks, however, this diet can help you feel much better and full of vitality.

Despite this, after these two weeks, we advise you not to stop suddenly, and we encourage you to adopt at least some of these habits for a longer period.

In this way, every time you follow a detox diet, you will want to maintain for longer those habits which, by now, will no longer be a sacrifice, but which help you  to get better and lose weight.

Key points of the detox diet

Here are the main points of the detox diet, follow them to get all the benefits we told you about.

Without food

Drink warm water

In the morning, as soon as you wake up, you should drink two glasses of water with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (preferably raw and unpasteurized) and a pinch of baking soda. Wait for the bicarbonate to fizzle out before drinking them. After that, wait about 45 minutes before having breakfast.


For the first meal of the day, make an apple or pear smoothie, with fresh celery leaves, spinach, avocado, cinnamon, powdered ginger and vegetable oat milk to blend well. You can use the quantities you prefer and even drink it throughout the morning. Between meals you can drink green tea infusions sweetened with stevia.


When it comes time to prepare lunch, you might want to make yourself a salad. As a second course, you can prepare something simple, alternating between chicken or turkey meat, fish and legumes.


If you get hungry in the middle of the afternoon, you could eat a small portion of dried fruit, such as walnuts, almonds or hazelnuts, or a fresh fruit.


Detox diet vegetables

When dinner time comes, you have to be cautious as it is the meal where we usually let ourselves go and eat the most. Choose a generous portion of vegetables cooked in a pan, steamed or pureed, accompanied by eggs or a little fresh cheese. At the end of the meal, you could consume a fruit.

Tips for getting good results

The following tips will help you get better results with this 15-day detox diet:

  • Get used to chewing all foods well. You will see that you will feel fuller and that you will be able to digest food much more easily.
  • During these 15 days, pay attention to meals outside the home, as it is more difficult to stick to the diet. Try to wait for the end of these two weeks to indulge in some whim.
  • Drink some water half an hour before each meal to facilitate the elimination of toxins and to make you less hungry when you start eating.
  • Try to eat in a relaxed, stress-free and unhurried environment.
  • If you feel the sudden urge to eat something, avoid the negative effects of hunger pangs and choose low-calorie foods, such as tea, fruit or vegetables.
  • If possible, make sure that the people living with you also follow this detox diet or at least some of these habits, since it will be easier for you to stick to the diet.

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