7 Signs That Indicate If We Have A Strong Personality

There are people who manage to adapt and overcome adversity easily, are you among them? Below we explain the attitudes that define a resilient individual or a strong personality
7 signs that indicate if we have a strong personality

There is usually a great deal of terminological confusion regarding personality, character and temperament. This is due to the fact that these terms are very close but not identical. Starting from here, we will find out what are the signs that indicate a strong personality.

According to what Hall and Lindzey say, in their book  Theories of Personality (1957, p. 262), personality is “the dynamic organization, within the individual, of those psychophysical systems which determine the behavior and thinking that are characteristic “. In other words, it is the configuration of the systems responsible for behavior that are forged on the basis of the individual’s history.

Are you interested in knowing if you have a strong personality ? Read on!

What does it mean to have a strong personality?

Some people, outside the theory of psychology, would say it means having character. Although there is a heated debate among theorists and scholars to provide a definition of “character”, in the context of personality we can say that he is a person with resilience.

Resilience is the ability a person has to adapt positively to difficult situations and to overcome adversity.

Similarly, within Japanese culture, there is  kintsugi, the traditional art of repairing broken pottery with a strong glue (gold, silver or lacquer) and gold dust. At the end of the process, the restored pottery is stronger and more valuable than at the beginning. Perhaps Kintsugi is a case that exemplifies the beauty of resilience?

Signs of a strong personality

How do you know if we are resilient or not? Below we share some key features with you.

1. Optimism

Optimistic woman smiling

Being optimistic means having a tendency that leads us to  face difficulties with good humor, perseverance and hope. It is an approach that allows us to find solutions, advantages or possibilities when going through difficulties.

If we are positive and optimistic it  is easier to accept responsibility for our actions and we do not waste time to improve and overcome ourselves.

2. Tolerance to frustration

Developing frustration tolerance allows us to improve our emotional stability.

It is important to be tolerant when someone or ourselves make mistakes. Reminding ourselves that no one in the world is perfect and that we all make mistakes will help us be more flexible  with others and with ourselves.

However, there are intervention programs that highlight the importance of  proposing strategies based on alternative behaviors,  with the aim of improvising new actions instead of repeating the wrong ones.

3. Emotional intelligence

Girl with finger on her forehead

It is a sign of maturity and intelligence that allows us  to learn to regulate emotional responses. We can translate it as the ability to recognize and control one’s own and others’ feelings, making interpersonal behavior easier.

Based on a considerable amount of research on this topic, emotional intelligence relates to success. This ability has been found to  provide the foundation for the social and emotional skills that are important for success in almost any job.

Therefore, emotional intelligence is the basis of a strong personality and can be used in our favor, to improve productivity and psychological well-being.

4. Passion

Alfredo Culebro, entrepreneur and businessman, specialized in strengthening people and businesses to achieve success, in his book  ¡Esto tener que cambiar!  (“We must change!”), Defines passion as the inexhaustible energy that pushes people to continue, regardless of limits or difficulties.

Passion is a big help because it allows you to feel fulfilled, passionate and enjoy the work,  a lthough the face of a lack of recognition.

On the other hand, research has revealed that positive (harmonious) passion has a constructive influence on experiencing higher levels of positive emotion and concentration, as well as the desire to do the task well.

This favors the strengthening of the person and his / her ability to face the challenges that arise, regardless of external help. Although it is not an innate ability of the human being, we can still search for it within us and develop it.

5. Commitment and motivation

Business men

Commitment is a duty that requires full knowledge to be able to fulfill it. It occurs when the person believes in what he is doing, perceives it as an important issue, and this stimulates and maintains his conduct constant. As a result, the individual does not stop until he has achieved all the goals he had set for himself.

For its part, motivation is a feeling that arises from a high degree of involvement to reach a goal; not only for the satisfaction of basic needs, but also of those related to self-realization (how to be successful in different areas of life). This also includes the desire to achieve efficiency and quality in what we do.

Isaac Garrido Gutiérrez states that research in psychology confirms that the subject acts on the basis of his own free will, developing a strong sense of personal responsibility.

In other words, motivation can be self-determined, initiated and regulated by one’s own choice, and it is what causes the achievement of previously anticipated goals.

This is how motivation is transformed into the internal engine that connects the mind, will and interest, and allows us to develop a strong personality and achieve our goals in a positive, cheerful and hopeful way.

6. Flexibility

It is difficult to stay focused when we go through difficulties and even when we are too critical of ourselves.

However,  accepting the circumstances and being flexible will allow us to focus  on what we can change and to see the changes as new opportunities for growth.

According to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), psychological acceptance and flexibility help people cope, cope with previous negative experiences and discover a full way of life, where one focuses on what really matters. .

7. Learning

Woman at the computer smiling

Resilience is not a skill, but a learning process. Generally, humans learn by trial and error. Therefore, we cannot do something we have not learned.

However, experiences are a great source of personal knowledge, which will serve to create strategies when it comes to dealing with difficult life events and overcoming them with joy.

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