Having Discovered Our Inner Strength, Nothing And No One Can Stop Us Anymore

Even if we are convinced of the opposite and believe we are fragile and weak, our inner strength defines us and constitutes our way of being.
Once our inner strength has been discovered, nothing and no one will be able to stop us anymore

Inner strength is not measured with the resistance of a muscle or with the ability to resist the traumas of life or the bad actions of those around us.

The strong person is the one who, instead of being passive, acts; the one who, instead of enduring, has the courage to change; the one that says “NO” and does not bear further pains, does not swallow silences and does not hide frustrations.

Only when a person becomes fully aware of his ability to change reality, does he put aside fears and insecurities to get out of the drift of his unhappiness, to fight for his own balance, his inner peace, his psychological well-being.

Today in our blog we want to remind you why it is important to have access to the inner strength in us, in all its forms, and that we must exercise and make our own to live in harmony with what we want, what we have and what we do.

The path to succeed is not easy, but it is worth it.

The inner strength that we need to strengthen

The inner strength of resilience

Perhaps when you look in the mirror you see nothing but a fragile being, who carries more fatigue than energy, who has left behind the joy of the past to immerse himself in a faded and routine world.

Open your eyes and look at yourself again in a different way.

Beyond the skin, the frown, the gray days and that mouth that no longer explodes in laughter, there is a wonderful inner world that must be cultivated and taken care of.

Your inner universe needs healing to strengthen itself again. If you feel good inside, you will also be good outside. Your vitality will return and so will your desire, your desires, your dreams and that incredible beauty that belongs to creatures who feel strong again.

To do this, now think about the following dimensions, the ones that you should empower one by one.

The strength of character

Forces of character define our particular way of thinking, feeling, desiring and behaving. They also reflect the best of us and demonstrate our positive identity.

Psychology tells us that the forces of character undoubtedly give us identity and decision.

They are: kindness, honor, creativity, reason, humility, prudence, a sense of humor, spirituality, equality, hope, respect and leadership.

Your own talents

Your own talents

Talents distinguish and define us: they make us unique among many.

Talents are innate and generally have a biological component. There are people who from an early age are attracted to music, art, sports, nature or mathematics.

Remember what your talents are and empower them – they set you apart from others.

Your own skills

Unlike talents, skills are strengths that we have developed through practice (self-taught or not).

Very often during a certain phase of our life we ​​take on some skills that, unfortunately, later, for whatever reason, we stop practicing. Perhaps because we set up new projects, because we change our lives or because new passions or other people appear. It is very common to put aside activities that once gave us great happiness.

It is possible that the time has come to return to them, to put them into practice to enjoy them or to live them by making them our work, our lifestyle. Think about this possibility.

Your own values


Values ​​are the elements we believe in most, principles or ideals that nothing and no one can make vulnerable. They reside in our thoughts and feelings and in the way we behave and relate to others.

If we turn away or make us turn away from them, we will stop being ourselves. Malaise, loss of self-esteem and unhappiness will arise

The inner strength of resilience

Resilience certainly constitutes our best inner strength. This is what helped us to get out of the most difficult moments to learn from them, to transform ourselves, in turn, into a different person, stronger, courageous and worthy.

So remember that the flame of resilience lives in us along with the forces mentioned above: skills, talents and character.

Each of them is part of who we are, constitutes an exceptional being who must fight every day for his own well-being.

We are all much stronger than we think. Sometimes, however, we forget it and let ourselves be carried away by the rigidity of the routine and the script that others have written for us, until we just remember that we are made of a special, unique and unrepeatable material.

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