9 Natural Secrets To Get The Body You Want

A correct diet, in combination with other healthy habits, is essential not only to achieve a lean and toned body, but also to be healthier.
9 natural secrets to get the body you want

To get the body you want, only two things are needed: willpower and following some guidelines that guarantee us health and well-being.

What we mean is simple: it’s not about aspiring to the impossible, getting the perfect measurements, but simply having a healthy body .

The goal is to feel good both outside and inside.

Achieving this goal is much easier than you think. There is no need to go hungry, to suffer long hours in the gym, to follow unreliable diets of gurus who promise the impossible.

The advice we offer you today are actually highly advisable lifestyle habits that deserve to be implemented in your daily routine. They will help you lose weight and feel that your body is functioning much better.

1. Say yes to a good breakfast

A good breakfast is not incompatible with having a beautiful and healthy body. Furthermore, starting the day with a varied, balanced meal rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and powerful antioxidants, is synonymous with well-being.

  • You will activate your metabolism so that it can burn fat.
  • Fiber takes care of our digestive system.
  • Breakfast provides the energy to improve attention and productivity

So a good coffee, some fruit or even some eggs, for example, help you feel full and are excellent nutrients to be able to face the day much better until the next meal, without feeling the need to make other snacks.

2. Protein is needed to get the body you want

Chicken breast with rosemary

Increasing your consumption of healthy proteins such as those found in lean meats or vegetables will help you achieve a healthier, more toned and beautiful body.

  • We must remember that proteins play an essential role in our body, since it is precisely these that promote, for example, the increase in muscle mass, reducing fat.
  • You don’t even need to be obsessed with consuming those protein-rich smoothies you can buy at the drugstore.
  • It is simply about eating well and doing it better, filling our plates with foods that also guarantee us the right doses of fiber, vitamins and carbohydrates.
  • Let’s not forget that depriving ourselves of protein-rich foods would lead us to lose muscle mass and slow down our metabolism.

3. Prefer liquids

This does not mean “giving priority” to liquids, but taking them continuously, in the most original, fun and healthy ways:

For example :

  • Start the day with a glass of warm water with lemon.
  • Include some natural juice in your breakfast: grapefruit, apple, tomato …
  • Always carry a bottle of water with you.
  • Always include in your dinners a natural soup (not the ones in bags, but homemade).
  • Take an infusion before going to bed.

4. Replace refined grains with whole grains

Whole grains

It costs nothing and has a lot of benefits. Begin today to replace cereals, bread and refined flours with their wholemeal version, with products in which the wheat is whole, complete with all its parts.

In this way you will have a greater intake of fiber, more proteins and a higher level of the B vitamins, always necessary.

5. Lift weights

It is not about putting too much effort into deciding overnight to lift 30 kg. Absolutely not. We must never take such risks.

What you need to do is start gradually with small weights, so that as the days and months go by, you will increase your strength and endurance.

  • Lifting weights will help you burn fat.
  • It will get you back in shape.
  • You will reduce stress and anxiety.
  • You will like yourself more by looking in the mirror.

Don’t hesitate, buy a couple of small weights and dedicate a few minutes of your time to these exercises every day.

6. Eat brightly colored fruits and vegetables

Cranberry juice

Strawberries, blueberries, carrots, pumpkins, apples, beets, peppers, mangoes, papaya, cherries …

The higher the color intensity, the more antioxidants they will provide us, as well as vitamins and minerals.

So do not hesitate: when you go to the supermarket let yourself be guided by nature, by those foods that seduce the senses with their color and their scent.

  • All products from natural and organic farming will be able to take care of health, weight and well-being.

7. Do “mini” workouts

Run hard for two minutes and then walk at a normal pace for another fifteen. Climb the stairs, stretch for 5 minutes, jump rope for another 10 minutes.

The “mini” workouts allow you to stay active, to take care of your metabolism, to make your heart work and, above all, they allow you to gain health and avoid the damage associated with a sedentary life.

And you? What “mini” workouts did you do today?

8. Eat healthy fats


Healthy fats are essential to any self-respecting diet.

The foods that absolutely cannot be missing on our table are:

  • Almonds
  • Walnuts
  • Salmon
  • Avocado
  • Olive oil

Not only will you get a more beautiful body, but you will also take care of your heart, feel fuller and get the energy you need.

9. Get at least 8 hours of sleep a day

We all have lives full of pressures, obligations, schedules to respect and people to listen to.

  • However, we cannot neglect our rest for this. Sleeping well is essential to living better.
  • Try to pay attention to your daily habits, in order to always have a deep and regenerating rest. Never miss 8 hours of good restorative sleep, which will make you wake up full and ready to face the day.
  • A good rest helps your weight, your metabolism, your heart and brain health as well.

So don’t hesitate. Put all these tips into practice to have a healthy body that allows you to enjoy your life to the fullest.

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