8 Lies That Happy People Refuse To Believe

Happy people know how to make the most of opportunities and, instead of waiting for the perfect time to come, they learn to favor it or make the most of every opportunity to reach their goals
8 lies happy people refuse to believe

Happy people have many differences but, at the same time, also many similarities: self-confidence, confidence and good self-esteem.

These people are able to achieve their goals and make radical changes. You may think that they are able to achieve their goals without much effort, but nothing further from reality.

How do they do it? It’s simple, happy people know their limits and work to overcome them. In fact, most ordinary people believe in certain ideas which, in reality, are nothing more than lies.

8 lies happy people refuse to believe

Climb a mountain

1. You are not able …

Very often we express what we would like to do aloud and we always find someone who tells us: “you are not able to”.

Many of us believe these words too easily and fail to understand that it is a great lie.

Look around you: everything around us is at our disposal because, at some point, someone promised to create it.

If JK Rowling had believed those who told her she was unable to write and, moreover, she would never make a living from her books, the world would never have known Harry Potter.

The truth is, we are able to do most of the things we set out to do.

2. I need … to …

True, we need a job to make money, but what we don’t need is to give up our dreams to get that money.

Happy people know that waiting for “the perfect opportunity” to be able to do something is completely irrational.

Most of the time, all you need to do to get what you want is to be determined and believe you can succeed. Most of the things we consider essential to achieving our goals require just a little ingenuity.

3. I don’t feel like …

This feeling is the most normal in the world but, at the same time, it is an illusion. Sometimes we feel like impostors or like we’re trying to play a role that doesn’t belong to us.

You are your strength, you must be strengthened and, above all, you must believe in yourself.

We know that it is impossible to always feel good, yet it is our job to believe in ourselves and not allow anyone to break the trust we have in us.

When you feel like a fake person, try to understand what is happening to you and where that feeling comes from.

Remember that most of your success comes from your self-confidence.

4. I am too old to …


Do not allow anyone to make you believe this lie and, above all, do not convince yourself of it. Happy people know it’s one of the biggest lies.

Age is nothing more than a number that determines how much time has passed since you were born, but it is certainly not an obstacle that becomes more difficult to overcome over the years.

So,  no matter your age: you can always change, improve and reinvent yourself. If someone says this to you, tell them that your age is only a reflection of your opportunities, not your limitations.

5. It is easy to say, but a lot is impossible

It is obvious that it is always easier to say than to do. Everyone can say that they wish or dream of doing a thousand things, yet “doing” needs an extra effort.

What happy people know is that they need to take that step forward to get what they want.

They are not satisfied with dreaming. They know that their dreams are the basis of everything they do, but then they are also willing to do whatever it takes to make them come true.

6. For happy people, control isn’t everything

Happy people accept that they cannot control everything and, therefore, spend their time controlling what they can and allow everything else to surprise them.

They know that wanting to control everything is nothing more than a waste of energy and time. So, don’t be fooled: don’t waste your efforts on what you can’t control.

7. Life is unfair

This is a very widespread belief and one that plunges many people into depression. However, life certainly isn’t unfair.

It is true that bad things happen, it happens to everyone, even to happy people, and this is a reality that we must accept. However, that doesn’t mean life is unfair.

Happy people blindly trust the justice of life. They understand that pain and suffering are temporary moods and are not decisive.

Bad things happen. However, life itself is a miracle worth celebrating and there is something good about it.

8. Happy people don’t exist

This is a very common phrase, yet it is false. Of course there is happiness and of course there are people who lead happy lives, believe it. Above all, you must believe that you deserve it and that you too are.

We all have the power to be happy.

Happiness is a right that we all have from birth, even if we are often convinced that it is not so, because we feel inferior.

In most cases, this is because someone repeats it to us, yet you never have to believe it. Remember: happiness is a right you must claim.

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