7 Tips To Combat Mental Fatigue

Thanks to physical activity, our brain is activated, staying alert for much longer, which prevents mental fatigue. It is also very important to sleep seven hours a day, to get adequate rest.
7 tips to combat mental fatigue

All the emotions we have to face during the day, added to the daily commitments, are sometimes too many and sometimes we don’t know how to fight mental fatigue. We suffer from stress, anxiety and a great mental fatigue, due to the effort we have to make to remember every single commitment and detail.

Furthermore, knowing that we must complete them all causes us great concern, especially when we have the impression that time is never enough. For this reason today we want to share with you the following recommendations, which will allow you to combat  mental fatigue.

1. Nutrition is essential

A healthy and balanced diet is the most important thing when we are trying to fight mental fatigue. In fact, the energy that we administer to our body is what gives us the ability to complete the work day successfully and without feeling exaggerated mental fatigue, which can be caused by inadequate nutrition.

2. Physical activity cannot be missed

When we play sports or engage in any type of physical activity, the brain activates and stays alert for much longer, which is essential for preventing mental fatigue.

Therefore, we recommend that you do some exercise every day if possible, for at least one hour. Even just walking in the fresh air is an excellent option, as it helps to relax and eliminate stress and to combat mental fatigue.

3. Get enough sleep

Rest is essential to combat mental fatigue
Mental fatigue disorders are much stronger and more harmful than those caused by physical fatigue.

You need to sleep at least seven or eight hours a day in order to have adequate rest and avoid physical and mental fatigue and fatigue. Remember that while you sleep you recharge your body with new energy, to start the day with more vitality.

4. Exercise the mind

It is necessary to stimulate the mind and carry out exercises such as simple crosswords or similar pastimes, which are one of the most effective ways to be able to activate the brain. Likewise, if you are passionate about reading, take the opportunity to read a good book.

5. Adequate working environment

When we carry out our daily activities in an appropriate environment, where we feel comfortable and calm, we will have far less reason to find ourselves in situations that cause us stress.

It is also good to make sure that the working hours are not too long and exhausting : to do this, do everything possible to have small breaks in which to rest, even just ten minutes free to take a short walk in the workplace. In this way you will clear your mind a little and relax your brain.

6. Breathe deeply

If the place where we stay for many hours is properly ventilated and smoke-free, it will certainly have a good quality of oxygen. This will ensure adequate blood oxygenation and help you not feel tired.

7. Live with optimism

When we are pessimistic all our thoughts are dark and negative: this causes an environment full of negative energies that leads the mind to generate sad thoughts and, consequently, to negative moods. This condition can cause many diseases and can only be resolved by trying to replace this gloomy attitude with a healthier, more cheerful and positive one.

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