6 Effective Exercises To Strengthen Arms And Eliminate Fat

If we want to strengthen the arms, in addition to being constant with the exercises, it is advisable to combine the latter with a balanced diet and avoid excess fat
6 effective exercises to strengthen your arms and eliminate fat

Strengthening your arms and shedding unwanted fat can be a lot easier than you think. In this article we present some exercises that will surely be useful for this purpose.

The survival instinct causes the body to accumulate fat in order to have reserves in case we run out of food. This buildup is particularly annoying when it is concentrated in the arms, a very visible area.

To avoid the flaccidity resulting from this buildup, it is best to understand why it occurs and follow our advice. 

Why do we need effective exercises to strengthen the arms?

In the early stages of development, the lower and upper extremities were essential to survive, especially the quadriceps and triceps. In the case of the triceps, they were so important because they provided us with the strength needed for us to get food with our hands.

However, nowadays we use these parts of the body every day, even though they are genetically designed to accumulate more fat than others and have a lot of muscle mass available.

This unused fat turns into flaccidity, which is noticeable in the extremities. The best solution, therefore, is to combine a suitable diet with effective exercises to strengthen the arms.

6 exercises to strengthen the arms 

Below we present a wide variety of possibilities ranging from classic exercises to some more original ones:

1. Lunges or dips never fail

lunges are great for strengthening the arms

If you don’t like to leave the house, this is the exercise for you: you just need a chair and your body.

  • Place a chair next to the wall to prevent it from moving.
  • Stand with your back to it, rest your palms on the chair and bend your elbows in order to lower and raise your body.
  • In this way, you will lift your own weight with the strength of your arms and you will be able to shed the fat.

2. Push-ups are very useful for strengthening the arms

Of course, at school you will have done them at least once: you just have to lie down and put your body mass on your feet and arms.  Then, lower and raise your body.

To avoid injury, make sure you adopt the correct posture: in exercises of this type it is essential to pay attention to the position. Realizing them by assuming an incorrect posture, in fact, can cause more or less serious problems.

3. Weights are infallible

The handlebars are very useful and comfortable. You can use a couple of them to exercise at home, at the time you want, while doing the activity you like the most.

Weights also give you the opportunity to exercise different zones, as they promote several effective exercises to strengthen your arms and say goodbye to all that fat.

4. Give your body rhythm: dance flamenco

dance flamenco

There are many people who get bored of having to follow an exercise routine. However, discouragement becomes fun if we add music and creativity.

As we know, in flamenco the arms are great protagonists: therefore, in addition to having fun, the various movements of this dance offer us a large number of effective exercises to strengthen this area of ​​the body.

5. Release stress with boxing

If you want to get rid of arm fat and have a very stressful life, boxing is your sport. This exercise is becoming more and more fashionable among very busy people, as it releases the stress accumulated throughout the day.

The exercises with the bag are the most effective, because the triceps apply all its force to hit it, an action that guarantees almost immediate results without the need to collide with another person.

6. It’s not just meditation: try the cobra pose

Lie on your stomach and lift your torso by placing your palms on the floor. The arms will be stretched until they are completely straight, so that the weight of the chest is supported by the triceps.

In general, yoga asanas are effective exercises for strengthening the arms. The advantage is that it is a less aggressive discipline than fitness and that facilitates the proper functioning of the body.

Consider that none of the exercises on the list exclude the others : so choose the ones that seem more fun or that best suit your needs and, in a short time, the flaccidity of your arms will have disappeared. Furthermore, if you are constant, it will never be a problem again.

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