5 Home Remedies For Vitiligo

It is very important to protect depigmented skin from the sun, as it burns easily and sunburns make the disease worse
5 home remedies for vitiligo

Vitiligo is a skin alteration that occurs when the cells of the tissues lose the natural pigment of the skin, which triggers the appearance of white spots, even in very visible areas of the body such as, for example, the hands, abdomen, the face or neck. Something can be done against vitiligo!

In some cases, this disease can also affect the oral cavity, nasal passages, genital area and even the retina. It is a skin disorder, but treatment must include emotional support. This disease can affect the self-esteem of those who suffer from it. Here are some remedies against vitiligo to prepare directly at home.

Be Prepared for Vitiligo: Knowing the Causes

Studies conducted so far have failed to find a precise cause of Vitiligo. Some theories claim that it is an immunological disorder that causes the development of antibodies that attack pigment cells.

Melanocytes, the cells that give color to the skin, suffer from changes or simply die, which triggers the appearance of white spots in various areas of the body.

Experts agree that most cases of Vitiligo are caused by hereditary factors. It is a disease that has no cure, but whose symptoms can be fought to improve one’s quality of life.

remedies for vitiligo

Tips for Vitiligo Sufferers

Vitiligo sufferers need to take great care of their skin, as this ailment makes it much more sensitive and delicate.

Protect yourself from the sun

It is very important to protect yourself from the UV rays of the sun by using a good broad spectrum sunscreen. Apply a generous amount all over your skin at least half an hour before exposing yourself to the sun.

You can also use hats, sunglasses, clothing that helps cover your skin and, in general, you should avoid going out in the sunniest hours of the day. Vitiligo sufferers get sunburns very easily, which makes the problem worse.

Avoid tattoos

There is a tattoo technique known as micropigmentation, which can mask the spots caused by vitiligo. However, this technique can worsen the disease and cause new spots to appear.

Natural remedies for vitiligo

Some natural products act positively on the skin to curb Vitiligo and reduce its effects. However, the results obtained with these treatments vary from person to person and require consistency in application.


Papaya and juice

This ingredient contains nutrients that help reactivate melanocytes and melanin production. This is a very inexpensive remedy, but it needs to be applied often to get good results.


  • Cut a piece of papaya, chop it and then apply the pulp obtained directly on the affected area. Leave to act until the papaya is dry and repeat for best results.
  • You can also enhance the effects of this remedy by drinking papaya juice.

Red clay

This ingredient contains copper, which helps restore skin pigmentation. Its properties also improve blood flow and help the skin look healthier.


  • Mix two tablespoons of red clay and one of ginger juice, then apply the cream obtained on the affected areas and leave for 15 minutes.


Turmeric against vitiligo

It is a spice with multiple benefits for skin health, able to give it natural pigments.


  • ½ kilo of turmeric.
  • ¼ kilo of ginger root.
  • The juice of five lemons.


  • Put all the ingredients in a jug. Refrigerate and consume two teaspoons of this remedy before main meals.
  • An alternative is to make a turmeric tea and then apply it directly to the skin.


It is a small aquatic plant that often grows in lakes and ponds and is an excellent remedy for reducing Vitiligo. The problem is that it can be a bit difficult to find.


  • Pound the duckweed until creamy and add two teaspoons of honey. Consume one tablespoon of this remedy twice a day after main meals.


Chopped ginger

This root has become very popular due to its multiple medicinal uses, and can also be very useful against Vitiligo, as it improves blood circulation.


  • 1 ginger root.
  • 1 teaspoon of mustard oil.
  • A pinch of turmeric powder.


Chop the ginger root and mix it with the mustard oil and turmeric powder. Next, apply this cream directly to the diseased skin and leave it on for 20 minutes.

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